More Propaganda

Javid can stick his boosters, frankly.

People should get their Covid booster jabs as part of a “national mission” to avoid restrictions over Christmas, Health Secretary Sajid Javid has said.

So far almost 10 million people in the UK have had a top-up jab, which Mr Javid said was a “phenomenal achievement”.

But about 30% of over-80s and 40% of over-50s in England are yet to do so, according to government figures.

Mr Javid urged people to “play their part” to help get through the winter.

I know it’s only as straw poll, but I speak to a lot of people in my work and most are sceptical about the whole jibbyjabby and the lockdowns and masks. But even those who have been generally favourable towards vaccines are now wavering. As one double jabbed colleague said to me yesterday, if we have to have a booster a couple of months after the two initial jabs, what does that say about the effectiveness of the vaccine?

So while there has been a large uptake of the initial vaccination programme, it does look as if the boosters will be the point where people start asking questions.

As for me, I’ve had a text telling me to get the flu jab (again). No. I am not particularly vulnerable and my immune system has managed to see it off on the rare occasions that I’ve succumbed.

And, no, I will not have a booster to go along with the two I’ve already not had.

The best national mission we can have will result in politicians’ heads on spikes outside Traitor’s Gate.


  1. Had an extreme reaction to a flu jab 6 or 7 years ago, not having one again.

    Had a very extreme reaction to 1st AZ jab which I only took as I could see the passports coming at the time/ no jab no job.

    Not having a booster. Not having a flu jab. Guess I’m not going to Austria any time soon.

  2. I’m 71 and double jabbed as I thought I was holidaying overseas this year. That was all cancelled. I will not be having any boosters. I told my friends back in March 2020 that the idiots in charge would not relinquish their power until we, the people, revolted. I hear of that revolt now getting properly underway in the USA and hope it arrives here soon.

  3. Work colleague, double jabbed, admitted he hasn’t been feeling well since taking the first two doses, he’s now wondering if its wise to take the boosters.
    My east european colleages and friends are, like us, not having a bar of it.

    This covid pudding has been well and truly overegged, some people are slowly waking up to the realisation something is very wrong about this whole scam, sadly many others seem even more convinced the govt and media and their owners are benevolent souls.

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