Yes, It Does

My refusal to wear a mask does say something about me.

Refusal to wear a mask says more about you than your face ever could

The article is typical Guardianesque claptrap that seeks to demonise those who dare to rebel against the tyranny of government diktat. Catherine Bennett doesn’t disappoint with her stupidity – she is at least consistent. So, yes, my refusal to wear a mask does say something; it says that I understand what personal liberty is. It says that I understand that the individual is more important than the collective and it says that I can recognise and stand up to tyranny when I see it.

Thank God for the refuseniks, the awkward squad and the contrarians, for we are much needed right now.


  1. Went to the chippy yesterday. I was the only one there not wearing a mask, nobody hassled me. Another thing to be said is that we actually know enough about reality to know that there is no way that the masks can work.

  2. Tesco on Thursday, virtually everyone masked up. Aldi yesterday, only about 70% masked. Wondering if this is a demographic thing or are people getting fed up with the diktat already?

  3. I haven’t wore a mask for a year , I’ve had the’vaccines’.

    Local shop: shopkeeper, myself and the other customer unmasked.

    Waitrose: even without the mandate, most wore the mask anyway but pleased to see there were a minority not wearing them.

    Aldi: more evenly split on mask wearing.

    I was not stopped or questioned, although received looks in Waitrose.

    Went to a pub restaurant after, we’re the virus can tell the difference, so no mask needed, no one wore one.

    This lunacy will not end until we say no more.

    • I am the same. Although I must be honest and say I stop and stare directly at any pair of eyes staring at me over a mask. They all look away pretty damn quick cannot think why. The really funny ones though are those who stand and make a grand show of rubbing alcohol all over their hands whilst looking around. If I catch their eye I just smile as big a smile as I can muster and lo they too look away.

  4. Went to a local restaurant last night with a friend, celebrating her birthday. Because I didn’t want to spoil her evening, agreed to wear a mask until seated at our table when we could remove them, proving the virus is incapable of working below 4 feet. What was stupid was that there were a number of high tables with people sat on bar stools, making them higher than my friend and I as we walked past. None of these diners wore masks. Therefore, by “following the science”, as Dame May Whitty keeps telling us, the virus is also unable to affect people more than 4 feet off the ground as long as they are sitting down. We really are governed by numpties.

  5. Woman walked past me the other day, wearing a mask which looked suspiciously like it had been made from part of a pair of black lace panties.
    If you must wear a mask, at least show your contempt for the rules.

  6. Once again during my visits to shops etc i notice its mainly east europeans and i and my good lady that arn’t doing as ordered by Bunter’s Junta.
    Disappointed in so many of my fellow natives, its the former EE’s generally that are stand up people not surrendering, and a good number of those of African and South Asian descent too.
    I have interesting fruitful chats with those of foreign extraction, where so many natives are completely brainwashed almost borg like in their acceptance, i plead with them to switch the idiot box in the corner off and desert the mainstream media.
    We see shades of 1930’s Germany reappearing in he guise of the leaders of the EU, of course its Austria and Germany it was always going to be them.
    A black South African friend knows all too well about divided countries, he can see where this is going.
    Why can so many fellow natives not see what is happening, when i refuse absolutely to go along with either the masks or shots of Lord knows what filth they seem almost shocked that anyone dare say no, where are my countrymen.

    Bloggers like yourself perform a valuable service in letting us know we arn’t alone in the larger world.

  7. It says that you read the label. It’s right there on the packet that they don’t protect you from respiratory viruses. Every single person going about with a mask on is more willing to listen to what they’re told by idiot “journalists” and know-nothing tax-parasite politicians on the telly than actually read the damn instructions.

    • Quite so. And scum like Catherine Bennett are a useful barometer for one’s moral compass. Take a look at what they say and immediately take the opposite position and you won’t go far wrong.

  8. I was in Asda the other day.
    About 10% non-compliance, this is in Furher Drakeford’s glorious Soviet Socialist Republic of Wales.
    Nobody said anything to those of us not complying.
    I also find some temporal variation with compliance. If you go at unusual times, there’s less compliance.
    At least the government here is making noises about reducing the restrictions, unlike in Australia where they’re gleefully using the army to put people in camps and vaxpass macht frei…

  9. Asda on Sunday afternoon, East Yorkshire. 90% masked, no hassle for not complying. I noticed that not all the staff were wearing masks. Does this mean that there is no company policy or that some have a medical exemption?

    • Same in Aldi in deepest darkest Lancashire North of the Sands. Most of the staff are no longer wearing masks. Anyone and everyone is exempt if wearing a mask cause them distress. It’s in “the rules” but few read these days they seem to prefer to listen and watch twats on television spouting bullshit.
      Compare to the local Co-op where all staff were bare faced less than seven days ago and are now fully masked up.

  10. This is not making good reading peoples, only 10% or so at best ignoring the directions from the Ministry of Truth.
    I was hoping for more refusal to comply than we are seeing so far.

    • Expect to see compliance drop.
      When its first brought in, people will comply, expecting enforcement. As we brave wayfinders demonstrate there is no consequence to non-compliance, the numbers will drop, to the point where it becomes pointless.

  11. Marks & Spencer today – 100 % mask wearing.
    Morrisons today – 100 % mask wearing.
    Lockdown starts on 20th Dec.

  12. Smoking ban in pubs – 100 % compliance.
    And we think the Germans slavishly follow rules !!

  13. I think the difference with the smoking ban is that they made the landlord responsible for enforcement. That massively skews the incentive towards total compliance as no landlord can afford to lose their licence. I’m glad to see most supermarkets taking the teflon approach and saying it’s up to plod to enforce, which essentially makes it voluntary. That the majority do voluntarily go along with it fills me with shame, anger and despair.

  14. The smoking ban was aimed squarely at smokers, seems an obvious thing to say but its true. The mask mandate is aimed squarely at everyone who enters or works in whatever range of establishments the mad hatters decide are to be targetted.
    Difference being there is an exception to the latter for everyone.

    To be honest all the mask does for me is to highlight who is best avoided going forwards and who to stop engaging with wherever possible. I tried right at the get go when I read copiously on the basis for these rules being brought in and discovering it is pure bollocks and even went as far as printing off the High Consequence Infectious Disease guidance from 20th March 2020 which are still in force and no bugger I gave them too showed the slightest interest.
    To a man and woman they are fully injected or rather they have yet to be boosted, wear masks when told and believe completely in the Covid God and the messiah authoritarians that promote it.
    Needless to say I avoid these people as much as humanly possible. Not quite at the fuck off and stay fucked off stage yet but never say never.

  15. Dear Mr Longrider

    Mask free since the beginning, including six hospital visits – four for eye treatment including laser welding a retinal tear; no questions asked, other two: ‘Can you wear a mask?’ ‘No’; ‘Do you have a mask?’ ‘I’m exempt’. No hassle.

    Most hassle was from Waitrose – every visit after face nappy day (24 July 2020). I switched to M & S for bi-weekly shops and have been asked about 5 times in a year.

    ONS all-cause mortality figures for England and Wales are producing interesting graphs for the Under 1 year, 15-44 and 45-64 year age groups:

    The first graph regularly gets 200-300 views for each weekly update, while all others I’ve uploaded rarely make double figures.


  16. Quick foray to garage and post office. There clearly is no enforcement of masks whatsoever, certainly not where I am. Not by businesses and not “morally” (for want of a better word) by those who – for whatever reason – are wearing masks.

    I was expecting something, but so far nothing

    • I’m working again tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how things are at the test centre. The car people have never stopped wearing masks. The bike examiners have been pretty loose throughout. One is openly contemptuous of the whole thing while the other simply pulls his snood up. The other instructors don’t bother.

      • It was quite windy earlier on and there were some people in the streets with masks.

        Maybe for some people, maybe quite a few, they are starting to like wearing masks because it does give some privacy in a society where cameras on every corner, facial recognition etc does seem to be the intended arc. Just a thought.

        On my phones news feed, I have seen a few articles – doing their bit like good little block wardens – reporting high incidence of mask wearing in various supermarkets, but reports of any actual attempts at enforcement do seems to be conspicuous by their absence.

        The sensible thing of course would be to just forget the whole nonsense and open up the country and never mention chink flu again. Any efforts should be confined – as with flu – to those genuinely vulnerable. I.e. what was supposed to have happened once “the curve had been flattened”.

        There is always the sinister of course, but the stupidity does seem the more elemental force here.

        • The wife quite likes them on occasion – mask and a big set of sunglasses means no need to put a face on 😉

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