Oh, Fuck Off!

The piece of shit is at it again.

Gloomy modelling from ‘Professor Lockdown’ today suggested there could be 5,000 Omicron deaths a day this winter without more restrictions as Britain’s overall Covid cases rocketed to record levels for the third day in a row.

FFS! This is a man who is always wrong about everything. And still they give the charlatan airtime to spout his claptrap.


  1. A Piece in the Daily Mail, tells of his predictions, yet many of the comments are totally against him and his shoddy maths, the comments often are the better read. Maybe just maybe there is some hope after all, that the public are not as gullible as thought?

  2. 5,000 Moronic deaths a day?! Who is he kidding? On average, there are only about 1,600 deaths a day in Britain, and that’s ALL causes of death. He expects us to believe there could be 5,000 Moronic deaths a day? What an omicron twat that man is.

    • I know. Its so obviously hysterical hyperbole that no rational person would take any notice. The man should be in a padded cell.

      By giving him airspace the media are feeding his delusions of relevance.

      • Unfortunately, this is all that seems to matter. Never forget that “climate change” exists solely in computer models.

        On a tangent, men are competing in women’s sports with inevitable results. An absolute, in your face, undeniable real world intrusion yet they still deny it.

        As others have pointed out, it has mutated into a variant likely no more harmful to the population at large than flu. It’s over.

  3. Mask watch update
    Just popped over the border into Chester.
    Tesco this evening, 40-50% maskless.
    Whoop whoop! Seems promising

  4. Visited neighbouring Essex this weekend and was disappointed to see nearly 100% mask conformity. This was in Sainsbury’s though as compared to my local Tesco (~80%) and Aldi (~70%).

    Also at a large attraction with both indoor and outdoor spaces, people religiously masking up when heading indoors but happily bunching up in tight crouds outside maskless. Credit to the venue though, despite lots of signs I was not challenged once by staff for failing to participate.

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