Of Course He Was

Anti vaxxer… Check.

Conspiracy theorist… Check.

The first person in Britain to die after catching Omicron was an anti-vaxxer pensioner who refused the life-saving jab after becoming convinced it was part of a Government conspiracy to control the population having been brainwashed online, his stepson claimed today.

They really are in overdrive.

The unnamed victim, who was in his early seventies, was described as a retired ‘recluse’ who was ‘fit and healthy’ but shunned a covid jab, falling ill in early December and dying in hospital in Northampton on Monday.

He was in the vulnerable age group and without a post mortem we have no way of knowing if he had underlying health conditions related to ageing.

Meanwhile on the rest of the planet, omicron has failed to produce deaths. But here, oh here, dear reader, we are in a state of panic with Half-Whitty on the idiot box urging us to get our boosters because omicron. The media is shoving lots of scary graphs to prove how much danger we are all in, because omicron. The moronic little man is now predicting that this insanity will go on for another eighteen months. Of course it will because people will comply and arseholes like Whitty are drunk on the power that it gives them.

We have now trashed the hospitality sector because omicron. And someone has died, who may or may not have had some underlying condition and was an anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist – because dissent is only from conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers. The decent, righteous people believe everything that Boris Johnson farts out because he never tells a lie.

That’s right, one person from a population of getting on for seventy million has died and we are throwing the economy under the bus again in a fit of panic over a fucking cold.

Moronic, more likely.


  1. They are taking the piss, end of and rubbing it in peoples faces, no one will ever convince me that calling the latest variant of the common cold the anagram for moronic wasn’t deliberate.
    oh how they must have laughed at the parties, sorry meetings, when the itinery for the rest of the decade was set out for them.

    • I agree with you that the omicron/moronic relation is not coincidental.

      Seeing the queues at the various vaccination centres around here, and my friends all boasting to be double or triple jabbed (2 of whom tested positive, but without symptoms…), as well as claiming they follow the science, is just depressing.

      Peak stupid is still not reached.

      • “…boasting…” they really do, don’t they?
        It also annoys me when even presenters who defend vaccine choice, always say that they are double/triple jabbed. It’s like an appeal that they are good people so hear them out.

  2. “claiming to be his stepson”.

    on any normal day the caller would have been mocked for being an attention seeking fantasist.

    but these days you can self-identify as anything you want and because it is your truth the whole fucking world has to indulge your narcissistic delusions

    • Yes, anyone could have phoned LBC claiming to be a relative of the first Moronic variant victim. I didn’t read any further than the Daily Mail headline, but this could very well be bullshit.

      We already know there were people with coronavirus stories passing themselves off as real members of the public who turned out to be actors. For all we know, this LBC caller’s claims are a fabrication.

    • It’s worse than that. His isolation could have led to him having little resistance to the bug when he finally got it.

  3. When bellend Boris was down with chink flu last year there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. I don’t know if these are symptoms, but surely breathing problems are given that it is a flu like respiratory disease. The efficacy and necessity for a ventilator was much emphasised.

    Are we short of ventilators? Surely not as the five year plan produced plenty last year. There was even a zil hospital full of them which, for some unfathomable – glory to the soviet! – reason, wasn’t needed.

    Was this man actually real, and that is not a facetious question?

    I was getting daily texts for a few days remaining me to get a booster ( which I believe would be Pfizer or modena) but these have stopped. Can’t imagine why.

    Still unmasked and still not a blink of any sort of reaction from those around me.

    I’m dreading the ntuc variant! If that doesn’t get me maybe the wuckfit variant will.

  4. The government has received a kicking at the Shropshire North By election.

    On the subject of the Omnicron scare mongering, the government has demonstrated that they are unfit for office.

  5. The side bar in that Mail article is headlined: “How Omicron went from one UK case to 1 million per day in just three weeks”.
    So I looked for the latest figures and according to the BBC (yeah, I know) the number of confirmed cases on December 15 was 88,376, somewaht short of a milion.
    Then I read the rest of the side bar to see if I could find out where the 1 million claim came from and found “December 14: Experts say cases are doubling every 2.5 days and predict 1million cases per day by Sunday”
    So Omicron didn’t go from 1 to a million, unnamed “experts” think it MIGHT reach 1 million in a few days time.
    Isn’t science wonderful? “One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.” Mark Twain

    • On the day we had those 88k+ ‘confirmed cases’ (i.e. positive PCR tests, for what they are worth) just shy of 1.6 million tests were recorded – yielding a positive rate of around 5.5% unless my maths is way off-beam (entirely possible). On the few occasions I’ve attempted similar calculations over the last month or two it’s been consistent around the 4-5% range. The enormous number of tests being conducted is never mentioned – strange that.

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