Dishonourable Wretches

The honours system has been broken for a long time, but this years is beyond belief.

Prof Chris Whitty and Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, who became household names during the Covid-19 pandemic, have been knighted in the New Year Honours list.

So half-Whitty and Penfold are being rewarded for two years worth of gaslighting, scaremongering, increased NHS waiting lists and unnecessary deaths due to late diagnosis. But the pièce de résistance.

And Tony Blair is knighted, being appointed to the Order of the Garter.

Blair! A man who has the deaths of thousands on his hands, who dragged this country into an illegal invasion of another sovereign state and left it in a bloody mess and endangered this country as a consequence. A man who should be behind bars, is to be knighted. Christ almighty. I can’t be the only one who is horrified this morning.

The system isn’t so much broken as plumbed the depths of depravity.


  1. You aren’t.

    My coffee got spat across the kitchen table when I saw this……

    Not sure which one offends me more, Half-Wit or the criminal.

  2. One feels sorry for our Queen with regard to Anthony Charles Miranda Lynton Blair. Her Peoples Tormentor.
    Maybe she can be given a really sharp blade to hold in her unexpectedly shaky hand.
    Or absentmindedly place the tight Garter around the scrawny, fake-tanned neck.
    But look on the bright side. Sally Bercow will not have to tolerate a puffed up peer preening across the dinner table balancing on a stack of cushions.

  3. I consider myself one of Her Majesty’s most loyal subjects, but it’ll be a cold day in Hell when I refer to Mr. Blair by the title she has bestowed upon him. And for me it has sod-all to do with Iraq. The man very nearly brought about the destruction of this country with his constitutional monkeying. He no more deserves a knighthood than Lord Haw-Haw.

      • Heh. I seem to recall reading of honours returned in protest after the Beatles were given their MBEs.* I wonder if anyone nowadays will have the backbone.

        *An act which, although the perpetual adolescents of the mainstream media no doubt still mock, seems entirely reasonable in retrospect. That was where the rot set in. Daniel bleedin’ Craig a CMG, just ‘cos he played one in the movies? It’s supposed to be “for services rendered to the Crown in relation to foreign affairs”. Nobody outside the Diplomatic Service ever gets in. It’s all former Governor-Generals and whatnot. Except, for some reason (just looked it up), David effin’ Attenborough. Jesus. It’s worse than I thought.

  4. I stopped being impressed or surprised by the honours list many years ago. Whole thing is corrupt, at least in respect of the ‘higher’ honours.

  5. Maybe our new year’s honours list will become as tainted as the Nobel Peace Prize. The kind of people who win it are not the kind of people you or I would want to be associated with.

  6. They won’t give David Beckham a knighthood because of his (alleged) dodgy financial practices, but Blair gets one for a dodgy dossier that took us into a war that was not only illegal, but didn’t need to be fought. Time to end the honour’s system.

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