Lies, Damned Lies

And the media.

More than four-fifths of Omicron patients in England’s hospitals have not had their booster doses, official figures revealed today.

This is the headline and it sounds right scary. Well, if you aren’t capable of a little critical thinking. Reading on tells you all you need to know:

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) bosses confirmed the toll in its weekly surveillance update, saying 608 out of 815 hospitalised patients struck down with the ultra-infectious variant were not triple-jabbed. A quarter were unvaccinated.

The UK population is 66 million. That should put it into perspective. Bear in mind that there is an important piece of information still missing – those in hospital… Why are they there? Because they have covid or because they are ill with something else and have tested positive?

Oh, and you folk who haven’t had your booster, welcome to the world of the unvaccinated.


  1. The headline could just as easily have been “Three Quarters of Omicron patients in England’s hospitals have been vaccinated”.

    Cherry picking at its finest.

  2. Just the first pivot in shifting the double vaccinated into the ‘unvaccinated’ group. Weird really, they are doing the sceptics job for us. They are actively driving people into our camp by demanding all these boosters, this being the first of many one suspects.

  3. no doubt those 815 are ‘overburdening’ the hospitals, which must be ‘close to bursting point’

    • Another perspective. Our hospital has 48 ICU beds, so 90% capacity is around 44. Out of a population of 1.2 million. So when they screech about 90% or higher ICU occupation, they are talking about a handful of people.

  4. The problem isn’t the number of beds, it is the staff to support them.

    The ‘experts’ scientific advice that asymptomatic people CAN spread the virus (despite there being no evidence whatsoever to support that claim)and must isolate is now coming back to haunt them as millions of ‘positive’ but healthy workers are being forced to isolate.
    Hence the CDC in the States saying now reducing the quarantine to 5 days and saying ‘boosted’ peeps who test positive do not have to isolate as the PCR tests are unreliable.
    The system is struggling under the rules imposed by the cretins in charge, not health needs.

  5. The question that I keep coming back to is why? I know about Hanlon’s razor, “Never attribute to malice that that could be adequately explained by incompetence” but what else could it be?

  6. Hanlon’s razor is a position of optimists, aka victims.
    In Security, we use a different version: “Never assume incompetence when you fear malice”.

    They are desperate to remove the control sample of unvaxed. Why?

    • Occam’s/Hanlon’s razor works for most conspiracy theories because most of them are so outlandish. This time, however, even rational views are being accused of being conspiracy theories that are, a few weeks later, being proved correct. As far as government ministers are concerned, I still lean towards incompetence. The deep state – i.e. the very uncivil service, I ascribe pure malevolence.

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