
Like a lot of words in the lexicon, ‘safety’ is getting a makeover. The term has always had a fairly straightforward meaning: protection from injury (or death), or it might mean denoting something designed to prevent such.

Nowadays it means not hearing views that you don’t like.

For some political hopefuls this has been a shock. Last week, “non-binary” Liberal Democrat candidate Charley Hasted was left “shaking with anger” after an encounter with women’s rights campaigners. Hasted was heading into a hustings at the Baptist Chapel in Herne Hill when she was offered a leaflet by one of a group of women standing outside the venue. The “Respect My Sex” leaflet called for the protection of single-sex spaces; an idea which is deeply offensive to those who believe that feelings about gender identity must be centred at all times.

Oh dear. Someone needs to tell Charley that politics involves the exchange of differing views. It is a marketplace of ideas. However, being an Illiberal Undemocrat, Charley wants views to be homogenised to fit in with his? her? its? political correctness.

“There are Terfs leafletting outside my hustings and I am shaking with anger. This place is my HOME. I have never felt unsafe living in Herne Hill as a trans person and they have no right to take that away from me.”

Once again, the sophistry comes out. No one is taking anything from anyone – unless we count Charley and his? her? its? fellow travellers who are trying to take away the very definition of womanhood in order to appease a tiny minority of insane activists torturing our language in the process. If an alternative point of view leaves this little petal shaking with anger, how will he? she? it? cope with the rough and tumble of real politics?

All I’ll say here is that the campaign is triggering all the right people. Good for them. As for Charley – try standing on the railway line when a train thunders by at 125mph with nothing more than a lookout to warn you of its approach, or clambering up a tall building in little more than a harness – or, going back in time, walking across no man’s land with a rifle and bayonet against machine gun fire. Now, that’s unsafe, you pretentious tit.

If anyone is curious, this is the idiot I am referring to here.


  1. Some people believe that humans are perfectible and when this comes to pass we shall all live in Utopia. Therefore anyone who puts off that glorious day *must* be evil, because all right-minded people want to live in Utopia.

    Which shows that would-be Utopians are deluded. Utopia, filled with perfected humans, would be awful. Thankfully to anyone paying attention humans are not perfectible and reality demonstrates this on a daily basis.

  2. The photo on his/her/its/their pass must have been taken a few years/genders ago.
    I take it this constituency has less than zero probability of electing a LimpDamp candidate. So the Party said “Oh, what the feck. What have we got to lose? We need a laugh.”

  3. Looked at photo:

    Thought ‘Fat miserable bully, bet it works for public sector’

    Ho, hum, I was correct

    Handed a leaflet made it quake with anger – that’s opposite of being safe, it implies wanted a fight

  4. I looked at the photo. A person the size of two people must be “they”. Look at her interests though. Imagine that/those as a dinner party guest(s). Booorrriiing.

  5. Is this really just attention seeking? Very few of us are really special in any way at all. Most of us can live with that. If not, there are plenty of more wholesome ways of being special such as music, sport or being creative in some way. The problem being that those things require talent and effort. If you can’t hack something that needs some application then just declare yourself to be wierd in some way and kick off about other people not bending over backwards to accommodate you.

      • As I said on my piece about this over at my place whilst the fact that this candidate is fraggling off about being frightened of perfectly legal and reasonable leaflets, is causing people to laugh and go WTF, the bigger issue is the wider Lib Dem party. As the writer Democracy Coma whom I quote from extensively in my article said it is noticeable that this loon got a lot of support from Lib Dem councillors, a Lib Dem PCC candidate and vast swathes of the Lib Dem party machinery. This illustrates to me that not just the more reasonable bits, if there are any that is, of the gender identity cult have a considerable amount of influence in the Lib Dem party.

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