Questions We Can Answer

Why is it so hot?

So why are we seeing such brutal temperatures? Most climate scientists say the answer is climate change.

It’s the middle of July. It gets hot in the middle of July. Happens every year and every few years it is hotter than average. Give it a few weeks and they will be asking why it is so cold in the middle of winter.


One degree doesn’t sound much, does it? But we’re living in the hottest period for 125,000 years, according to the UN’s climate science body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

In geological terms this is the blink of an eye. We are still coming out of an ice age. Of course it’s getting warmer. This is normal and natural.


We know what’s behind this – the greenhouse gas emissions caused by our burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which trap heat in our atmosphere. They have helped push the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the highest levels seen for 2 million years, according to the IPCC.

We don’t know this at all. The miniscule increase in CO2 is just that, miniscule and CO2 is a trace gas essential for life on the planet. Millions of years prior to that – during the Triassic period – the levels of CO2 were significantly higher than they are now. This is normal and natural. Any effect that we are having is a non-issue compared with, for example, the damage to habitats caused by mining for the elements need for batteries to power those ’emissions-free’ EVs.

Also remember this, these cretins have been making dire predictions since I was a child and probably before. Not one of their predictions has come to fruition. Not one. Indeed, when I was growing up, they were predicting an ice age, then the Maldives were going to disappear under water.

Still these charlatans are peddling their doom and still the credulous believe them.


  1. There is a CO2 cycle, CO2 is being added to and extracted from the atmosphere all the time completely naturally. This process is only partly understood, a lot of what causes these additions and subtractions is unknown. The burning of fossil fuels adds about 3.5% to the plus side of this equation so, all things being equal, you would expect CO2 levels to rise a little. Since we don’t know if all things are equal it’s impossible to know whether CO2 levels would have risen anyway. In any case, the actual effect on temperatures is negligible, as can be seen by new temperature records being only fractions of a degree hotter than those set a century ago.

  2. “Still these charlatans are peddling their doom and still the credulous believe them.”

    And that’s one of the things I find difficult to understand. So many failed predictions, yet so many people believe the next prophesies. How many times do they need to be taken in before they twig?

    • CORRECT PREDICTIONS that you don’t want to look at.
      Read my entry – carefully – & then look at the actual numbers – links are provided

    • Science improves as more information is acquired.
      If you don’t realise that, then you need to.
      That was 50-60 years ago, we know more & better, now – yes?

      • In order to work Greg, science has to be done with the most scrupulous honesty. Climate science fails because the correct answer is decided in advance by the people who decide on the funding for the research. This means that contrary evidence has to be ignored by anyone who doesn’t want to be out of a job. It is a fundamental principle of the scientific method that your hypothesis has to be confirmed by observation of the emerging data. Climate science fails this test. Honest scientists know that this failed hypothesis needs to be modified or discarded, but that would mean an end to the government funding.

  3. It amazes me that the answer to “climate change” is always more taxes for the middle classes.

    • AGAIN – not true
      Actually Climate Change is a set of great business opportunities.
      Time to get out of buggy-whip manufacture!

  4. They are like the secular version of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Dozens of failed predictions yet so many still believe them.

    I can show why this is so with two links.
    The first compares now with the summer of 1976 – scroll down for the global map, the important one:
    Shows GLOBAL temperatures for 1976 & this June – OK?
    The second is a local-to-London blog.
    The writer is a retired statistician, but blogs on lot of items.
    However, he is comparing the times & rates at which heat records have been broken.
    And is almost ( 95%+ ) certainly caused by “us” – you don’t have to believe me – just look at the actual numbers, OK?


      When information is politicized, the odds you’ll miss the real wolf rise drastically, because your data is worthless.

      I don’t doubt that my biases cause me to miss important information. That’s natural. But the other side has falsified data and produced exaggerated, fanciful predictions for decades. Weren’t the Maldives supposed to be underwater by now? Not that it matters too much because there’s been nobody living there since the drinking water ran out back in ’92.

      In 2004, a secret report to the Pentagon, no less, leaked to the Guardian, told us that by 2020, Britain would have a “Siberian” climate, major European cities would be underwater, and there’d be a nuclear conflict over drinking water. In 2008, Jim Hansen of NASA claimed that the Arctic would be totally ice-free by 2018. A paper in Nature repeated the claim in 2013, bringing the date forward to 2015. As did the US Navy.

      I could go on all evening. Yes, maybe it’s a bit warmer. Maybe it isn’t. (What’s the margin of error here?) But is it any wonder people are sceptical after years of this baloney?

    • Those stats tell us what we already know. It gets hot in the summer and some summers are hotter than others – 1911 and 1976 being stand out examples. Nothing to see here.

    • So pray tell us Greg – what is the solution? Reversion to medieval society and living standards? The Great Reset? Adoption of the Green Party manifesto and subsequent mass starvation and a North Korea style setup run by Left Wing Twitter warriors?

      As the late Groucho Marx said: ‘you can include me out’

  6. “It’s the middle of July. It gets hot in the middle of July. Happens every year and every few years it is hotter than average.”

    With the proviso that I’m up here in the northern wastes, I haven’t seen anything remotely out of the ordinary this year. A few days at 30C, but that’s nothing new. I remember we had a whole week of that one August about twenty years back.

    Hell, 2020 was better than this. But nobody noticed because they were all cowering indoors from the Chinese Plague.

  7. If AGW were truly believed to be true then numerous governments around the world (all of them) are being criminally negligent in not building hydro and nuclear power stations and totally banning all fossil fuels immediately. A few more trees would not go amiss either.

    The reason they don’t, I think at least, is because it’s all bollocks, and even if it weren’t, me driving a glorified golf cart is not going to offset what the Chinks and Indians are pumping into the atmosphere on an hourly basis.

  8. @Greg T

    Six replies to the one thread. Does the T stand for Troll?

    “Look at the figures”. I think you mean “select”

    It’s not global warming either, it’s climate “change”, “crisis”, “emergency”. That way ANY weather occurrence can be used to justify the childish hysteria.

    Do keep up!

    • “Six replies to the one thread. Does the T stand for Troll?”

      I think that you are being unfair. I think that Greg is wrong but I don’t think that he is arguing in bad faith. I do think that just posting links rather than taking the time to understand and state your case is a little bit troll like but so far I’m inclined to give the benefit of the doubt.

      • Hmmm, perhaps.

        That said, I think we are seeing the inevitable end game of this whole degenerate climate scam playing out.

        In the real world, real people are going to suffer real hardship (as some have been for years) and I hope when it all passes that lessons will have been learned.

        Those responsible though will carry on as if nothing had happened. I have to confess that I will find that quite hard to take.

  9. An interesting aspect of the climate change alarmists is that every aspect of a warming world has to be negative. In reality warmer weather is more benign. The Little Ice Age was a terrible period in history, extremely destructive storms and disasterous food shortages caused by terrible crop yields. Poor crop yields have been consistently predicted by the climate alarmists, the reality has been the precise opposite.

    Meanwhile, in my garden, every one of my fruit trees is burdened with fruit. Apples, cherries, gooseberries, pears, peppers, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, a bumper crop all round.

  10. “Poor crop yields have been consistently predicted for years…”

    Hence they’re after fertilizers.

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