
That’s the way to do it.

A man was filmed happily eating a shish kebab in front of animal rights activists as they protested outside several New York City stores.

The man, who has not yet been identified, was filmed eating his shish kebab in front of the Nike store in New York City on Saturday, where animal rights groups were protesting the company’s use of animal products.

This is what you do – defy them. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the animal rights lobby, the trans activists or the eco loons – defy them right to their faces, refuse to comply and mean it.


  1. I would think that not using any animal products whatsoever in your life would be as impractical as not using oil. Even a totally plant based diet requires the use of chemical warfare against millions of bugs. There isn’t really any practical way of growing plants on a large scale without using some form of pesticides. If your going to avoid using animal products for clothing as well you have a pretty narrow choice once you rule out synthetic fibres.

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