
How stupid do you have to be?

At least 47 per cent Tory voters want energy to be nationalised, finds poll

Nearly half of the Conservative voters support the renationalisation of the UK’s energy industry amid the cost of living crisis, a new poll has found.

The poll conducted by YouGov for The Times found that 47 per cent of the Conservative voters support returning the energy companies to public ownership, while 28 per cent opposed and another 25 per cent said they were unsure.

Despite their attempts to blame Putin for the current crisis, let’s be clear here – it is entirely the fault of our government. We should never have been dependent on foreign energy – from Russia or anywhere else for that matter. We have had successive governments who, in awe of the eco loons, have systematically destroyed our own energy independence and this is the result. So, government is the problem and people see the solution as more government. FFS! I am surrounded by hard-of-thinking cretins.


  1. As mentioned elsewhere, if this current crisis leads to the abandonment of NetZero and a gradual restoration of energy security through fracking, new nuclear power stations and prioritisation of UK domestic oil and gas operations then it will probably be worth a little personal sacrifice this winter.

    Even reliance upon Norwegian oil and gas has proven to be problematic, since the Norwegians are themselves nervous and doubtful about levels of supply provision to the UK over the winter.

    Certainly the political “Chickens coming home to roost” is pretty schadenbonerific.

  2. Some “energy” companies would love that.
    Like Brer Rabbit pleading not to be set loose in the briar patch.
    “Oh, no Mr Gubment, please don’t take this crock of shit off me in return for gazillions of your worthless money.
    But on the other hand I will be pleased afterwards to be a sub-contract consultant to help you run this crock – for a modest fee.”
    Think back to how the broken Railway Companies, or rather their owners, did the same thing just post war.
    My God, how the money rolls in, rolls in.

  3. And there’s more –
    “Oh, and by the way, ‘n’ that, Mr Gubment, we would consider it an honour if y’all became Non Executive Directors of our wee Energy Management Support Consultancy. Nudge, nudge, – wink, wink. We will employ the best accountants and I am afraid you will have to suffer The Seychelles every few months for Board Meetings”
    Cynical? Moi?

  4. The problem with nationalising anything is that it puts government in direct control of it.

    And the main problem with putting government in direct control of anything is … well … look at what happened every other time we put government in direct control of anything.

    We need to learn from history, not repeat it.

  5. The government could choose to drop the social and environmental costs of supplying energy and also remove the 5% VAT, making energy bills smaller. Yet it chooses not to.

    The Government is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  6. Don’t you know that all of our problems are caused by capitalism? We need government intervention to save us from capitalism.

  7. “We have had successive governments who, in awe of the eco loons, have systematically destroyed our own energy independence…”

    And plan to continue down that path to ruination.

  8. The only things that are going to be net zero are people’s bank accounts and the amount of energy supplied in winter.

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