
Autogynephilia is something that Kellie-Jay Keen tends to associate with transgenderism. Maybe, maybe not. However, this case does seem to fit that pattern. Apparently he is supposed to be transitioning. Yet women simply do not look like this. I’m not sure what else can explain it. Either way, this man -yes, man – has drawn more attention to himself than he perhaps intended. Listen to the attempts by the school board to defend their position and it sounds weak. I wonder how long this will go on before something breaks? They know full well that they are attempting to defend the indefensible. There comes a time when tolerance is the wrong thing to do.

I see that the Rebel News video has gone offline. Here’s one from Carl Vernon on the same story, so that you know what it’s all about.


  1. “women simply do not look like this”
    Then you don’t remember Lolo Pops?

    Transgender activism is nothing to do with the right to identify as you feel, it’s all about the right to be a raging pervert in public and not be pulled up for it

  2. “That guy should just be laughed at.”

    Back in the 1970s when I was at school that is exactly what would have happened, the stupid attention seeking idiot would have received the ridicule that he deserved, in bucketloads. I doubt that even preachy bollockings in assembly with threats of mass canings would have put a stop to the piss taking.

    The sad part is that, in the recent past, people who were a bit different have had to go through all kinds of purgatory to get the right to be themselves without being abused or arrested. This idiot is an insult to those people and is likely to end up undoing the fruits of their hard work and sacrifices.

    • I was always a bit different and yes, I agree, this exhibitionist pervert is undoing the good that has been done to allow people to just be themselves.

      • … and with some reason. As someone who is also a bit different now and then, I too would prefer not to drift back to a society of default intolerance. To a parent, though, this must beg the question of how many of those going into teaching are less-exhibitionist perverts exploiting those rights to get access to children. The fact that this behaviour is not only tolerated by the school but actively defended suggests the proportion might be quite high. Compare the Catholic Church’s related issues.

  3. The way the mainstream media report stories like this is bonkers. They keep referring to people who are obviously men as ‘she’ and ‘her’.

    Did you see the following story from a few weeks ago?

    This violent murderer stabbed his former foster father to death. And yet throughout this story, the Daily Fail use the words ‘she’ and ‘her’. ‘”She” tried to cut off one of “her” testicles.’ I’m sorry, but anyone who violently stabs someone to death loses any right to be referred to by his preferred pronouns. (And of course, it goes without saying that if you have testicles then you are not a woman. Only men have penises and testicles, and only women have wombs.)

    • I refuse to play the game. It’s pure Orwellian. We are being forced to deny the evidence of our own eyes and to repeat the lie. Given that Canada has insane laws on this, I wonder if that’s why the Rebel News video was taken down, as they consistently referred to this pervert as “him” and correctly so.

  4. Why should we accept them for what they are (or, more accurately, what they want to be recognised as) when they did not accept themselves for what they are?

    I’ve commented before that over 40% of sex change people commit suicide within 5 years of “transitioning”. Name me anything else that has such a fatality rate that is not only accepted and encouraged but now is being mandated to be “celebrated” and never criticised.

    They are mentally ill, and chopping off bits of themselves or having surgery will notcure that.

    • Julia: It’s not so much that this school board ‘has no backbone’, it is because this board, like so many other entities both public and private are dancing to the tune played by trans activists.

      The trans activists have quite frankly colonised group after group and, as with the local Pride group where I live, shut out the very sort of people, LGB people, for whom the group was set up for and by. I suspect that as with other similar groups the trans rights activists bullied those questioning the the gender cult into walking away. The bullying is especially effective when the target is conditioned to ‘be nice’ to ‘oppressed’ people as nobody in some of these groups wants to be seen as ‘not nice’ so they either leave or go along with the trans groupthink. There used to be a whole host of voluntary groups, many of which started off by someone shaking a collection tin in a gay bar, that provided services and support for LGB people. Most of them are now effectively gone, taken over by trans activists who then purge the groups of the wrong thinkers who believe in biology.

      Phil B. I believe that it was Ben Shapiro who did some digging into suicide rates among trans identified people who had been given the allegedly ‘life saving’ transition treatment and he found that a similar suicide rate could only be found among German Jews after the Nazi Party took over Germany in 1933.

      Longrider. The more I study the subject of Trans the more appalled I find myself becoming and I say that as someone who has great sympathy with genuine transsexuals. The arrogance, the dishonesty, the violence, intimidation and thuggery that surrounds the Cult of Trans is truly disgraceful. I find myself able to be quite supportive of genuine transsexuals for whom no other course of action suffices but vehemently opposed to the cult of trans.

      BTW You and others might be interested in this long form article from a writer about the AGP phenomenon. This writer is I believe correct, AGP is an issue, does motivate some to claim a synthetic sex identity or claim to be women and is something that the TQ part of LGBTQ does not want to speak about.

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