A Bloke, Then

Fer cryin’ out loud.

This is the moment a transgender comedian stripped completely naked mid-song before playing the keyboard with her penis on live television.

This is the point where we are doomed. The media continues to repeat the lie. This is a bloke. He has a penis. He thought it was funny to flash it on live TV. He is not a woman, so stop calling himher.

Jordan Gray, who was assigned male at birth and has been open about undergoing her transition, appeared on Friday Night Live on Channel 4 yesterday.

No one is assigned anything at birth. This man was observed to be male. He is still male. He will go to his grave male. Homo sapiens is unable to change sex. I refuse to go along with the language of the cult – see also, the idiotic cisgender bollocks.

Before the performance, Gray, who was the first transgender singer on talent show The Voice in 2016, told her Twitter followers: ‘Tonight we make history.’

By stripping off and waving your bits about. Oh my, how stunning, how brave. How tedious, how childish. I’m sure we are all shocked by the sight of a naked bloke prancing about on stage.

After dancing around stage the naked comedian returns to the keyboard, shouting ‘see you Friday at the London Palladium b*****s’ and briefly plays a few keys with her penis.

His penis. Women don’t have penises. Never have, never will. I refuse to go along with this lie.


  1. Aaand this is why I don’t watch TV.
    Purile, ridiculous nonsense.

    The odd series is ok, Severance was a recent one I enjoyed. but ‘entertainment’ shows and ‘comedy’ shows are just things to be avoided. I don’t even have a TV licence as I don’t watch live TV. There is so little worth watching.

  2. A brave stand against sexual stereotyping or the desperation of transgenderism in its final death throes?

    We may not know yet – but we can hope.

    • It’s beyond desperation and I don’t think there is actually any word for it.

      I suspect the only long term tesult of this degeneracy will be a few enrichment to our already rich language.

      “As desperate as a…….”

    • Narcissistic exhibitionism. As mentioned above, popular culture recognises that crossdressing and transsexualism have always been around, it’s just that instead of quietly getting on with it, they are now shoving it in our faces, forcing us to use their language and to celebrate them.

      Well, no.

      I’d also add ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ to that list.

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