Who Dodged the Bullet?

Personally, I’d say she did. He comes across as a narcissist.

A single French man has left thousands in stitches after sharing the details of his ‘disaster’ date where he walked out because of her dietary requirements.

Renan Pacheco, who is from France but living in LA, went on his first date with an American woman named Kimberley but was dismayed when she revealed she doesn’t eat gluten or drink alcohol.

In a viral TikTok clip, the actor said he was so ‘confused’ by Kimberley’s aversion to wine and wheat, he left the restaurant without even saying goodbye.

Some people have an intolerance to gluten – see also lactose. Some people just don’t like alcohol – I am an example. I don’t insist that a date shares my abstinence, just that they respect mine. Of course, we don’t have the whole story here, but I see enough of the story to recognise a poncing, preening popinjay when I see one. So, in my opinion, she got off lightly here.


  1. I agree he’s not much of a catch and clearly has no manners, but she doesn’t sound like much of a keeper either; looking him in the eye and announcing her gluten-free regime seems an odd way to introduce the subject, even over a meal.

    In fact, there’s usually no need to discuss it with a dinner companion; most restaurant menus offer gluten-free options and a quiet word with the waiter when ordering is enough unless you are actively seeking attention. In my experience, those of us with a genuine problem (and the various -oscopy reports and hospital data to prove it) try to minimise the fuss, while the ‘lifestyle’ gluten-free types, with which LA abounds, want to make as much of a song-and-dance about it as they can.

    • Possibly, but we only have his side of the story. It might have come out naturally. I don’t make a big thing about my not drinking alcohol (taste) or coffee (migraines) but it comes out soon enough.

  2. He’s not doing anything to dispel the stereotype of the French being self-important, arrogant, ignorant, effete snobs. And I agree, the young lady on the date definitely had a lucky escape. He could at least have had the decency to tell her that he didn’t think it was going to work, instead of sneaking out.

  3. …but have you seen him??? Wow! Although I do remember in my young days going out with a DDG man whose attractiveness was seriously dimmed by being thick as mince.

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