Of Course

Any excuse.

Select committee chair Julian Knight said Mr Musk’s support for “absolute free speech” could mean governments were faced with repeated calls to widen their regulation of online content.

This man claims to be a Tory. More like a communist, frankly. Absolute free speech does not need regulating because it is self regulating. If anyone ever stumbles across the Conservative party, could you let them know that someone has stolen their identity.

Mr Musk has previously spoken of wanting to make Twitter an unfiltered “common digital town square”, sparking fears the platform could become more abusive and polarised.

What? More than it is already?


  1. ’The Online Safety Bill would compel social media platforms to remove all illegal content and to take action against designated “legal but harmful” material.’

    This right here tells you what the modern ‘Conservative’ party is really all about…

  2. I’m not sure you understand. Look, it’s like this: he believes in free speech but you can’t just go around saying exactly what you want.

    I think I’ve got that right. 😉

  3. Free speech should be exactly that, with the time honoured exceptions of credible, repeat credible, threats of or incitement to violence, slander/libel and extreme pornography.

  4. “If anyone ever stumbles across the Conservative party, could you let them know that someone has stolen their identity.”

    The Parliamentary Conservative Party refused point blank to work under the Conservative Party Membership’s choice of leader. The party is still there but has been taken over at the top by the Woke shower, like a lot of other institutions. They do seem to be finding it more difficult to impose their will on this one, perhaps because it’s actually composed of political activists.

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