Don’t Let the Door

Hit you on the way out.

Twitter isn’t shaping up to be the party Elon Musk might have expected. Not long after the Tesla CEO officially gained control of the app, many users have contemplated an exodus – while others are debating the merits of staying.

Some celebrities and pundits made it clear they were on their way out. Shonda Rhimes, the TV writer and showrunner, was one of the first. “Not hanging around for whatever Elon has planned. Bye,” she wrote on the site.Ken Olin, the executive producer of This Is Us, followed suit. “Hey all – I’m out of here. No judgment. Let’s keep the faith. Let’s protect our democracy. Let’s try to be kinder. Let’s try to save the planet. Let’s try to be more generous. Let’s look to find peace in the world,” he wrote.

Cheerio, then. No one will miss you. What these arseholes are objecting to is robust debate, disagreement and being called out when they lie. What they really, really don’t like is people having different opinions to theirs; the removal of their echo chamber. The wailing and rending of cloth on display from the usual suspects is a joy to behold.

“I’m shocked and appalled at some of the ‘free speech’ I’ve seen on this platform since its acquisition,” she wrote. “Hate speech under the veil of ‘free speech’ is unacceptable; therefore I am choosing to stay off Twitter as it is no longer a safe space for myself, my sons and other POC.”

That’s what free speech means. People say things that you find unacceptable. Free speech isn’t all about politeness and control, it’s a raucous mess of ideas and opinions, some of which are downright nasty. However, unless it is defamation or incitement to violence, then anything should go. Anything. Even naughty words. That said, when these people talk of ‘hate’ what they usually mean is conservative views, pointing out biological reality or supporting Donald Trump. Musk’s takeover of this vile platform and its hideous denizens is pure entertainment.

Sit back, get that popcorn out and enjoy the ride. Payback is a bitch.


  1. “No judgement” ! The lack of self awareness, and the abundance of stupidity, is something to behold…

  2. That Graun story. “Flee the hate.” Oh, the hypocrisy. The left and the Graun are constantly spewing spite, hatred and abuse towards people with different views from themselves – socially conservative people, people who are sceptical about man-made climate change, people who know that women don’t have penises, and so on.

    You can always count on the left for their hypocrisy.

  3. Musk, I think, has the luxury of being so completely financially independent that he doesn’t have to worry whether his Twitter acquisition makes a profit or a huge loss. These people can stomp off in a huff and he won’t care. As I mentioned earlier, these people should be ashamed of their opposition to free speech but aren’t.

  4. Honesty, if the Goodthinkers and political fashion-victims flee Twitter and it turns into the wrong side of the online tracks, so be it. The problem was never Twitter per se, or even simply the censorship; it’s that it garnered an importance far beyond what it deserves. Fewer than one in five have an account (probably a good deal fewer, given its bullshit subscription figures). It’s never was “the world’s Town Square”; it’s a message board for loudmouths.

    In other news, Musk’s only been in charge for a few days and it hasn’t actually changed much.

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