Not Just Absurd

Bloody disgraceful.

A hotel owner turned down £1million cash payout from the Government to house asylum seekers, which he said would have destroyed his reputation ‘overnight’.

Richard Martin, who runs the Blazing Donkey Country Hotel in Ham, near Sandwich in Kent, said he ‘couldn’t think of anything more absurd’.

He was left ‘repulsed and very angry’ following an approach by an agency which said it was acting on behalf of the Home Office.

He says he was offered £1,080,000 and a guarantee of 100 per cent occupancy for 12 months at the hotel, which recently won a prestigious AA rosette for its food and service.

But he said accepting the ‘fast buck’ would have meant cancelling hundreds of weddings – with the popular venue already booked into 2025.

The hotel is financially sound and profitable and has about 100 weddings and more than 8,000 guests staying every year, Mr Martin said.

And, to make matters even worse, ordinary people on a relatively low income would be kicked out of their jobs.

He would have also had to make most of the hotel’s 25 staff redundant, as the deal was only for accommodation without the need for catering.

Mr Martin, who co-owns the business with wife Sherry, said: ‘I couldn’t think of anything more absurd.

No, it’s not absurd. It’s a fucking disgrace. These people are not asylum seekers or refugees, they are alien freeloaders. We are signatories to the international convention on asylum and anyone wishing to take advantage of that can make themselves known at any port of entry whereupon their case will be considered. These people are choosing to pay smugglers to cross the Channel and enter illegally, bypassing this process. Anyone whose first act on entering the country is to break the law is a criminal. Also, the vast majority are not coming from war torn countries, they are coming from sub Saharan Africa and more recently Albania, neither of which is at war. And our government wants to throw decent working people out of their jobs to accommodate these parasites. Well, no and good for those hotel owners who are standing firm.

There is a solution to what’s going on here, but politicians are too cowardly to do it. By all means pick these people up from the sea. By all means give them a meal and a bed for the night, but then on the next flight back to their country of origin – forget Rwanda. Straight back home and don’t stop. No one who enters the country illegally gets to seek asylum. No one. Break the law by entering illegally and any asylum claim is immediately rejected with no recourse to appeal. Given that the process should take less than a week, there is no need to commandeer hotels or plan for long term accommodation at all. A couple of nights or so, maybe a week, then on yer bike back home and mean it.

I don’t suppose that I’m the only one whose patience is running out over this one.


  1. Why are these people paying thousands to people smugglers when they can catch a ferry from Calais to Dover for 100 quid?

    And ‘smuggling’ is a misnomer. Smuggling is supposed to be clandestine.

  2. Almost makes me wish for a war with Russia.
    I doubt there would be as many coming if London and a few other cities are getting nightly carpet bombings from the Red Air Force.
    And sneaky boats full of military age men might be met with a more robust response in war time…

    Edit: oooh! A new edit function! Shiny!

  3. These people are coming from France. Why are they our problem? If they are picked up at sea or they make their way to our shores they should be taken back to France.

    The initial crimes, the people smuggling, are being carried out in France. Make it a French problem instead of a British one.

    Alternatively, declare war on France. It’s about time we had another one. 😉

  4. Not only that, but a quick browse through the hotel’s website leads one to the immediate conclusion that the authorities are insulting this couple and their beautiful hotel by offering a fee (just for the rooms) of perhaps half of what he can get commercially for them.

    And for that he would have to watch a torrent of Somalis and Afghans destroying what he has built and wiping their arses on his linen.

  5. I live in the area, I know the pub, I know the landlord; very principled chap.

    So… scrotes trying their luck pitch up on MY beach and claim asylum. Guess what, they don’t carry ID and don’t fess up to where they came from. So they get bussed off to Manston where they continue to no sprekke the lingo – now what?

    – Ship them back to France? – good luck with that!
    – Put them on a plane – to where?
    – Let them go while we think about it? – Never see them again
    – Bang them all up? – We don’t have enough razor wire

    The only solution to this is to make everyone aware that smuggling yourself to Britain guarantees a really shitty life for a few years whilst your claim is processed, so that it’s not worth it unless you are actually escaping something terrible. I’m thinking some kind of really basic camp on one of the uninhabited Scottish Highland islands. Or perhaps a flat in Glasgow?

  6. Those of us awake have a duty to remember those who took the bribes from or who gave succour to the political class who are now the enemy of all right thinking people, just as we rememeber those who showed their true natures over the recent mass medical experiment, most of us have already worked out who among those we personally know can’t be trusted, they are many.

    Watching the systematic and deliberate destruction of our country is soul destroying, what could be sold has been trousered by the jackals responsible who know the price of everything but the value of nothing, now there is only the land itself to sell, sadly too many of our fellows are still under the illusion we can vote our way out of this, those glued to the idiot box in the corner having lost the power of free thought long ago.

  7. The other thing to take from this story.
    Despite all the noise from Suella Braverman, and the fake outrage her words cause, it serves to confirm they have no intention of stopping the illegal imports being ferried in daily by our Border Farce and the Lifeboat Service, which will never see another penny of my money directly, can’t do much about the govts con tributions from taxpayers.

  8. My solution is fool proof, any illegal immigrants to be micro-chipped in the skull so it can’t be removed, if they were deported it should prevent re-entry. They would then be offered the option to stay but only after compulsory sterilization, men, women and children, the men to be castrated, the others chemically. The only other option, return to France or wherever in a slowly deflating rubber boat. This may sound harsh but it would solve the problem and be a good deterrent.

  9. I’ve been saying it for ages, to all the countless idiots who keep saying we don’t know what to do about the problem.
    Put them in a holding area, and when there’s enough to fill a plane, fly them to Africa. I don’t care what their home country is, just fly them far enough away that they won’t think about making the attempt twice. If it has to be Rwanda, so be it. Make your own way home from there

  10. Kudos to Richard Martin for telling the Leftie run Home Office (Braverman is an impotent figurehead) where to go. Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, these people don’t forget or forgive, and I foresee some sort of ‘official’ revenge in the future, which would show just how reprehensible these people are.
    As far as just shipping these invaders back, whether to France or somewhere else, I suspect moles in the Home Office will tell their mates when and where the flights are, allowing shyster lawyers to appeal against the deportations, as has happened in the past.
    One suggestion is to house them in Islington, Hampstead, Chelsea, near some of the Norfolk estates, and other places where the ‘elite’ live, or even Tower Hamlets, where they should fit in quite well. That may concentrate the minds, somewhat, of those in power.

  11. Compulsorily purchase country estates from Bankers and Industry Leaders, Charity Chairmen etc. and convert the house and grounds into holding camps. That will concentrate the minds somewhat.

    As long as illegal immigrants are spread out among the Deplorables, the Elite and their Dependable minions won’t care.

  12. Interesting that he was approached not by the Home Office but by ’an agency’.

    What is the rake-off from a contract worth a million, I wonder, and how and by whom was the agency selected? We’ve seen the vast and disproportionate sums paid to private agencies from the NHS and Education budgets for supply staff; Unfortunately for the taxpayer, it looks as if the Home Office has become yet another source of nourishment for these bloodsuckers.

  13. I’ve just received a begging letter from RNLI. I’ve half a mind to say that I’ll give them £1,000 (+ gift aid) for every boat person that they deposit on French land. NB – not hand over to someone else.

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