Poe’s Law Strikes Again

He’s feeling ronery.

North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is heavy drinking and regularly crying as he battles a midlife crisis, experts claim.

The dictator turned 39 earlier this week and is living an unhealthy lifestyle, with his long absences from the public eye suggesting he is battling serious health problems.

Now, Dr Choi Jinwook, a Seoul-based North Korea academic, says the leader is facing fresh anxieties over his personal health and safety as he nears 40

“I heard he is crying after drinking a lot. He is very lonely and under pressure,” Dr Jinwook told the Telegraph, via Daily Star.

Just in case anyone is missing the context.


  1. So, was the video based on this news story or just really prescient?

    You can’t really feel any sympathy for the guy, he deserves much worse than he gets. Does he have an heir or is there some hope of an upset if he either dies or becomes incapable?

  2. Of course he’s Ronery. He keeps standing his advisors and ‘friends’ in front of anti aircraft guns, just before he shouts “Fire”.

  3. I always think that Korea is like a controlled experiment done in order to find out if capitalism or communism works best. Is it too early to draw any conclusions yet?

    I might have mentioned before how much I love my Korando.

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