Well, Duh!

As with everything else covid related, we are finally vindicated on the matter of face nappies.

Masks made ‘little to no difference’ to Covid infection or death rates, according to one of the most comprehensive meta-analyses of face coverings.

The research – carried out by the Cochrane Institute, the ‘gold standard’ of evidence-based reviews – looked at 78 global studies involving over a million people.

Results indicated that surgical masks reduced the risk of catching ‘Covid or a flu-like illness’ by just five percent – a figure so low it may not be statistically significant.

The researchers said harms caused by masks – including hampering children’s schooling – were poorly measured in the studies, meaning any small benefit on infection rates may be outweighed.

Professor Francois Balloux, a professor of computational biology at University College London, who was not part of the analysis, said it showed that the benefit of wearing masks is ‘at best small’.

Three years ago, we were saying just that, because studies and real world evidence already told us this, but we were ‘covidiots’ and conspiracy theorists who wanted to kill granny.

Remember those self-righteous fuckers? Because I do. I will never forget and I will never forgive.


  1. Don’t expect the mask zealots to admit they were wrong or to apologise. They’ll probably dismiss this research and cite all the studies supposedly proving that masks work.

    Humans are social beings. It’s not natural for us to cover up most of our faces with a stupid piece of cloth. Facial expressions are one way that babies interact with their parents and other people. The mask zealots are misanthropes who want to control and influence people’s behaviour.

    • I knew it. This organisation has “fact checked” the Cochrane Institute’s research and decided that masks do indeed work:


      Isn’t it strange that before 2020 the consensus among experts was that masks were ineffective against respiratory viruses? Then, in about April 2020, the “science changed” and all these experts change their tune and say that masks actually do work against respiratory viruses.

      • “The swiss cheese respiratory virus defence, recognising that no single intervention is perfect at preventing spread”. Okay, let’s have a butcher’s:

        Physical distance. Fair enough. But you’re basically shutting down society. And it can never be complete.
        Masks. Don’t work. A statistically insignificant positive effeect isn’t a minor positive effect; it’s none at all.
        Hand hygiene. Doesn’t work. Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t be doing it, but the virus is airborne. This was always a red herring.
        Cough ettiquette. You should be doing that anyway.
        Avoid touching your face. See “hand hygiene”.
        If crowded, limit your time. See “physical distancing”

        So, of the “personal responsibilities”, we’ve got “become a hermit” and “don’t cough over people”. It’s going really well so far.

        Fast and sensitive testing and tracing. We’ve never had that. And if we did, the last of them means a surveillance state.
        Ventilation: outdoors, or air filtration. Well, we had people being arrested for meeting outdoors. So much for that part. And my suspicion is that air filtration will be about as effective as masks, but in principle this one’s relatively sound.
        Government messaging and financial support. Oh, right. Here we go. Our elected servants as national parent. Project fear. And borrowing billions to pay people to sit on their arses. How’s that working out for you now?
        Quarantine and isolation. Isn’t that “physical distancing” again?
        Vaccines. Yeah, they’d be great if they worked.

        This thing’s more full of holes than… well, a swiss cheese.

  2. We are not off the hook here in Spain. Although the government has grudgingly removed the requirement for masks in public transport, we still need to don one before entering a clinic, hospital or chemists.

  3. I still see a few when I’m out doing the big grocery shop. Mainly older folk but the odd younger person too. There is also the odd fool walking down an empty street with one on. The only place that asks you to wear them now is the doctors surgery, ours has a pharmacy attached so I visit quite regularly to pick up prescriptions for myself and for my mother.

    Is Covid still an issue now? My wife and I had it last year and I would hear from time to time that people were getting it. I’ve not been aware of anyone getting it more recently.

    • I see a few as well. People fell for this confidence trick hook line and sinker. The dentist requests but doesn’t insist. likewise the GP and pharmacy. The vast majority aren’t wearing them. I never did anyway.

  4. Masks and health benefits, pros and cons IMHO dubious. On the other hand with facial recognition cameras popping up, the masks might be the only way until they are banned.


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