Same Old Story

The Koran Kid has had to go into hiding.

Last week, a 14-year-old British boy was forced to flee his home and go into hiding, fearing for his life. Not because he swindled a county lines drugs crook, say, or was the sole witness of a heinous murder. Nothing so dramatic. Rather, his is a story of our times – the latest example, some would argue, of what happens when zealotry trumps common sense.

Instead of investigating the death threats, our useless dhimmi police held a kangaroo court in a mosque to appease the 7th Century zealots. Now, as happens in these cases, the whole thing has escalated.

The Mail on Sunday has learned that at the height of the intimidation the family received an arson threat to their home and the boy –described as ‘absolutely petrified’ – was forced to move to a secret location. After initially contacting West Yorkshire Constabulary, his mother later urged officers not to prosecute to avoid further inflaming the situation. Instead the police said they would ‘work with the school moving forward’.

Wrong. They absolutely should prosecute. These 7th Century bigots need to be forced to recognise that their insane religion does not trump UK law and death threats are against the law and will be punished appropriately. If they don’t like our values, then they can fuck off to some Islamic shithole more to their liking. Until the police grow a pair and actually do some proper policing and the courts vigorously prosecute offenders and they are given lengthy jail sentences, this will continue. Sure, we will see the mobs out on the streets, so deal with that as a public order offence and lock those bastards up, too. And keep doing it until these savages get the message. Fucking off to some middle eastern Islamic shithole would be an ideal solution of course.

Yasmine Mohammed, the author of Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam, said: ‘This is more than what would happen in Pakistan or Iran. This is an insane level of capitulation to irrational bullies.’

Quite so. Unfortunately, things have been left far too late. It should have been nipped in the bud. Instead we got dhimmitude and cowardice.

Once again, we are reminded that Islam has no place in a civilised society.


  1. ‘Mob storms Pakistani police station, lynches man accused of blasphemy’
    Reuters, February 11 2023

    ‘Man lynched by villagers over blasphemy allegation in Pakistan’
    Reuters, February 13 2022

    ‘Farkhunda Malikzada […]was publicly lynched by a mob in Kabul on 19 March 2015. […] claiming that she had burned the Quran’ – Wikipedia

    There have been many other cases but these are the three which have had the widest news coverage (incidentally) the time of year is an odd coincidence). In each case, following rumours of desecration of the Koran, the victim was brutally murdered and the police were attacked when they tried to intervene.

    I wonder how far our police would be able/willing to protect someone in a similar scenario.

  2. That last quote there is quite right. The far-left (eg the Grauniad) constantly pander to and appease followers of the ‘religion of peace’. If there is ever any criticism of Islam, the Graun will always play the racist card, despite the fact that Islam is a religion and not a race. If most followers of Islam were white rather than non-white I have little doubt that the far-left would have the same contempt for Muslims that they have for Christians.

    One thing you can say for Christians, you don’t usually find them sending death threats or actually attacking people for ‘desecrating’ a copy of the Bible.

  3. My cult says that assigning sacredness to an object is blasphemous idolatry. Says it at least twice in Exodus. Can I burn some Muslims?

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