Wasting Police Time

You may recall the case of the woman who was arrested for thoughtcrime. She was praying silently near an abortion clinic. The fuzz arrested her and it went to court and she was acquitted. That really should have been an end to it. The police have no business arresting people for what is in their heads and wasting police time in the process. But, no, here we go again

This is the moment police told a Catholic woman that ‘praying is an offence’ as she was arrested a second time outside an abortion clinic just weeks after being acquitted for the same offence.

I would like to think that the CPS will give the cops a swift boot up the backside over this. Given that precisely the same case resulted in acquittal, trying to pull the same stunt again will (hopefully) result in the same outcome.

Officers ask Ms Vaughan-Spruce to ‘step outside the exclusion zone’ that exists around the clinic. However, she tells officers that she is ‘not protesting’ and ‘not engaging in any of the activities prohibited’.

Police respond: ‘But you’ve said you’re engaging in prayer, which is the offence’, to which she replies: ‘Silent prayer.’

Ever get the feeling that we are going round in circles inside a grotesque clown show?

The officer then says, ‘No, but you were still engaging in prayer. It is an offence’, to which Ms Vaughan-Spruce answered: ‘I disagree.’

She is right, they are wrong, yet they went ahead and arrested her again.

In a statement through her legal representatives, ADF UK, Ms Vaughan-Spruce said: ‘Only three weeks ago, it was made clear by the court that my silent prayers were not a crime.

‘And yet, again, I have been arrested and treated as a criminal for having the exact same thoughts in my head, in the same location.

Lions. We need more lions.


  1. Process used as punishment.

    If we had a proper Home Secretary, the arresting officers, all present who failed to intervene, should be dismissed, along with the Chief Constable and the muppets at the CPS who sanction this insanity.

    Can’t wait till the muzzies start taking an interest in preserving the lives of unborn children.

    They don’t do ‘silent’ very well.

  2. She could have been praying for the crash victims that plod could not be arsed looking for.

  3. Praying is an offence now? When did that get made into law? Can we now expect all Churches, Mosques, Gurdwara’s and all other places of worship to be closed down? After all, according to officer Dibble, they are now acting illegally. I would have asked to see his warrant card, just to make sure that he really was a police officer. Then I would have made a complaint against him, for making up his own laws. What a twat.

  4. As this disgraceful arrest occurred in Birmingham it must be assumed that this arrest was carried out buy West Midlands Police. It’s interesting to ascertain WMP’s priorities. They are quite happy to expend resources on arresting a woman opposed to abortion for privately praying but less willing to tackle real crimes, crimes for example like Rape Gangs https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/west-midlands-police-report-reveals-7948902

    These public safety censorship zones are extremely dangerous to free expression. If they are extended across the country then I suspect that it will end up with not only those opposed to abortion being affected but everyone. Councils will use these laws to go after anyone and everyone who protests over stuff that councils will want to push like green fanaticism, the housing of Channel Invaders in hotels, unpopular building developments and much much more.

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