Not Good Enough

Yeah, but, no, but, we didn’t know.

Jacob Rees-Mogg has said he was never told that the Chief Medical Officer believed it would be possible to reduce the number of days for which people had to self-isolate after contact with a positive Covid case.

WhatsApp messages revealed by The Telegraph as part of The Lockdown Files show that in November 2020, Matt Hancock rejected advice from Prof Sir Chris Whitty to replace the 14-day Covid quarantine for close contacts with five days of testing because it would “imply we’ve been getting it wrong”.

Sir Chris told the then health secretary that it would be “pretty well as good” for people who had been in contact with a positive case to test for five days “in lieu” of a fortnight’s isolation.

JRM has no excuse here, despite the bad behaviour on the part of Hancock. Anyone with an iota of common sense, an ability to follow ONS data, understanding of the scientific principle and an awareness of the obvious knock-on effects could have seen that the official line was claptrap. Indeed, those of us watching from the outside did see it, but we were labelled covidiots and granny killers. Who is the covidiot now?

I won’t forget, nor will I forgive. Hancock needs stringing up. After he has been flogged through the streets and disembowelled by lions. Then his head put on a spike outside Westminster as a reminder of what should happen to someone who engages in such malfeasance in public office.


  1. I really am not joking when I say I’d have an awful lot of politicians, past and present, on trial for crimes against humanity.

    Some, upon conviction, would spend very long periods in re-education camps, a lot would be shot in the back of the head and the family sent the bill for the bullet.

    Less serious cases should be totally bankrupted, permanently, all assets dissolved and proceeds returned to the British people from which they were stolen. They should be forced to wear an armband, identifying them as enemies of the people. They could live in some of the open-air prisons they have created in the North, like Burnley, Bradford, Leeds, Sheffield, Salford, Merseyside etc, live on an estate and work a mind-numbing, zero hours contract, minimum wage job. No pension. No private healthcare. No future. No hope. Like literally millions of poor sods currently do, if they are not homeless.

    Any that have agitated this globo-homo shite should be forced to prove their allegiance to this cause by being regularly buggered by Bubba from E-Wing, then forced to endure sex change surgery (genital mutilation). And their children. They seem to think it’s ok to teach my children this insanity, so, good for the goose…

    Hancock can be reserved for medical experiments, especially new ‘vaccines’. Don’t worry Matt, they are safe and effective.

    The above goes for a myriad of Police Officers, of all ranks, Judges, teachers, probation and parole officers, social workers, Church officials, local councillors and their hangers-on, war-mongering, profligate, marxist civil servants, the list is endless.

    I really see no alternative to the Orwellian hell-scape we are well on the way to, other than violent revolution.

    It’s never going to happen.

    We’re fucked.

  2. “I won’t forget, nor will I forgive. Hancock needs stringing up.”

    Whilst I agree with the sentiment LR, focusing on Hancock just makes him the scapegoat, letting all the others off the hook. They ALL need punishing to the maximum – Whitty, Ferguson, Susan Mackie and all those scumbags in SAGE, practically the entire establishment. Plus the mainstream media and everybody who peddled the jab.

    Because that’s exactly what they are doing right now. This shitstorm has been purposefully created with the help of the media, so that the rest can hide behind Hancock. He was one of the worst but he had a lot of help.

    • Oh, I haven’t forgotten them, either. The spotlight is now starting to focus on Simon Case. If there was any justice, this creep will not only be forced to resign, but he should also face criminal charges and lose his uncivil service pension.

  3. Must admit I was amused to see that Labor is now criticising ScoMo for pissing away huge sums on covid here in Oz.

    Of course back in the day, they were howling and screaming for the government to dole out more, more, more, more, more.

  4. Well actually I reduced that period to zero on my own initiative, as no-one has the right to make such a restriction on me. I think I am not alone in so doing.

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