
Well, I suppose I had to cover this story.

Oxfam came under fire last night for issuing a bizarre ‘inclusive’ language guide to staff.

The 92-page report warns against ‘colonial’ phrases such as ‘headquarters’, suggests ‘local’ may be offensive and says ‘people’ could be patriarchal.

Workers were told ‘parent’ is often preferable to ‘mother’ or ‘father’, terms such as ‘feminine hygiene’ should be dropped, and ‘people who become pregnant’ should be used instead of ‘expectant mothers’.

The guide even suggests that ‘youth’, ‘the elderly’ and ‘seniors’ should be avoided – to afford respect and dignity.

Tory former minister Robert Buckland said: ‘Most people will find this particular use of valuable time and resources by Oxfam totally bizarre. It would do them well to remember the old adage that actions speak louder than words.’

Although I have not given this nasty organisation a penny over the decades, it doesn’t means that it isn’t still wasting my money on this toxic ideological indoctrination. Oxfam is a fake charity in the it steals money from the taxpayer (yup, following suspension a year or two back it is again sucking at the taxpayer teat), so I (and you) am paying against my will and that money is paying for this toxic crap.

Suffice to say, that I will never abide by any of the ridiculous speech codes that it mandates. Indeed, any attempt to get me to use this ridiculous perversion of language will result in a graphic suggestion involving sex and travel.


  1. All this to kept in mind when approaching locals for sexual favours in deprived countries, paid or otherwise.

  2. Many years ago I supported OXFAM, and then I realised it had fallen to the Iron Law of Bureaucracy:

    “In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals that the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.”

  3. This guide from Oxfam is beyond parody. It even apologises for being written in English, as English is the language of a ‘colonising nation’. And you can see in the illustrations that it uses the ludicrous term ‘womxn’ in place of ‘woman’ or ‘women’.

    Fuck off, Oxfam. Just fuck off. I have never donated to you, and this guide has ensured I never will.

    • And some of the headings in the guide are gibberish – for example, “Nothing about us without us”. Eh? What on earth does that mean?

  4. Oxfam – “Ensuring money goes from UK taxpayer coffers to the hands of child prostitutes in the 3rd world.”

    That’ll help the inequality…or something.

  5. Sex and travel?

    I doubt if there is anything graphic you might suggest that they don’t already do.

  6. I went into a music shop in Beverley looking for a copy of The Entertainer by Scott Joplin. They didn’t have it but one of the staff mentioned that he had seen a copy in the Oxfam shop. I couldn’t bring myself to go in and look for it, I think that giving even a small amount of money to them would be immoral.

  7. Every organisation that comes out with this nonsense gets lampooned, yet others continue to follow. Nobody seems to be learning anything here

    • Because in the bubbles in which they live this is pushed as normal. It is only when they get actions that impacts on them do they learn.

      It reminds me of Brexit. Everyone in my company I spoke to was London based for the EU and I was the only dissenter. Boy did they get a shock some even lost money on it.

      We all hang about with like minded people that is perhaps why we think things are positive. I think that 10% of the people are like us, 5% are woke snowflakes, this includes politicians, unfortunately, while 85% are just sheep which is why that 5% cause so many issues and, imo, are bringing down the West.

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