Go Woke

Go broke.

Trans activist Dylan Mulvaney has hit back at critics of her Bud Light campaign, insisting they ‘don’t understand’ her and have made her a ‘target’ because she is newly trans.

In an appearance on Rosie O’Donnell’s podcast, Mulvaney – who has just completed ‘365 days of girlhood’ said: ‘The reason that I think I am so…I’m an easy target is because I’m so new to this.

‘I think going after a trans woman that’s been doing this for like 20 years is a lot more difficult. I think maybe they think that there’s some sort of chance with me … But what is their goal?

‘These people, they don’t understand me and anything that I do or say then somehow gets taken out of context and is used against me and it’s so sad because everything I try to put out is positive.

We understand perfectly. Mulvaney is an actor playing womanface and real women find it deeply offensive – Mulvaney’s absurd prancing about is nothing more than that of a camp gay man, not a woman. Indeed, I find myself wondering if he has ever met one. Real men also find this stuff distasteful, because we like real women and also find the charade of a grown man playing at being a girl, thoroughly nauseating.

But that’s not the point here. A beer company should confine itself to simply selling beer, not jumping onto political bandwagons. People who buy products – looking at you, too, Nike – don’t want to have the latest political fad rammed down their throats. Nor do they take kindly to a company showing open contempt for its core customer base.

While Mulvaney has shrugged off the criticism, the sting appears to be more lasting for Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light’s parent company that has lost $3billion in market cap value in recent days.

Good. People need to keep this up. Hit them hard and keep hitting them hard. This is the only way they will get the message. They sell beer, not politics.

Yesterday, Anheuser-Busch’s share price dipped to $64.96 – wiping $3billion total from the company’s value.



  1. Bud is tasteless cack, supermarket own brand beer is far better and about half the price.

    In other news TNT seem to have lost my piano.

  2. “I think going after a trans woman that’s been doing this for like 20 years is a lot more difficult”

    Probably because they have been getting on wth their lives and not making prats of themselves in public like this eejit.

  3. It’s just a performance to reap fame. I doubt that he truly believes he’s a woman. If he has his tackle cut off then i might reconsider, but so far i’m seeing a screamin gay playing dress up for likes (and money)

  4. This poor Dylan has been used.
    Have a look at Bud executive Alissa Heinerscheid.
    A Jacinda Ardhern clone.
    She probably disapproves of people enjoying themselves too.

  5. If I had shares in the company (which thank the Lord I don’t). there would be angry scenes at the next shareholders meeting demanding to know why executives who manage to devalue my property are still in their posts.

  6. “a trans woman that’s been doing this for like 20 years”
    There aren’t any. This movement has only been around for the last three.

    And whoever this cretin is or stands for, I can’t respect someone who uses the word, ‘Like’, randomly in sentances

    (Also, I think I must be the only person out of anyone I know in cyberspace, who actually likes and regularly drinks Bud and Bud Light)

  7. “insisting they ‘don’t understand’ her”.

    On the contrary, we actually do understand “it” … only too well and want nothing to do with it.

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