There’s One Born Every Minute

A fool and his money and all that.

Britons who have installed heat pumps in their homes today told of their anger at being left with ‘soul destroying’ electricity bills and enormous installation costs.

Excuse me while I chuckle. This really shouldn’t come as a surprise. The information about these contraptions is readily available, yet people fell for the con trick.

Fewer than 10,000 pumps have been installed – of a 30,000 target – during the first year of a scheme giving households a £5,000 voucher to help cover the cost.

That’s 10,000 mugs, then. Clearly the majority can see this sleight of hand for what it is and have left well alone.

A series of UK homeowners with heat pumps have revealed their misery over them, with one saying his electricity bill has rocketed to £5,000 over just ten months.

Another who had an air source heat pump installed said her local council took so long to grant planning permission that it cost her £5,000 in lost grant money.

All perfectly avoidable with a little research and a hefty degree of scepticism. When the government tries to sell you something and offers a bribe in the process, then run in the opposite direction, they have all the integrity of a modern Arthur Daley without the moral compass or quality product.

A man who replaced his heating system with a £25,000 Government-backed heat pump says he has faced ‘soul destroying’ electricity bills – amounting to almost £5,000 in just ten months.

Steve Mason, 58, spent thousands on his brand new system and has says he has seen his bills rocket despite his living room being a mere 14C (57F) and having to sit in layers of warm clothing.

Of course. That’s because it’s a shit product. If you had done a little reading on it, you could have saved yourself the pain. As it is, no sympathy. You bought a lemon, suck on it.


  1. Makes you laugh. When will the Govt twig it that normal people don’t want heat pumps or electric cars and can’t afford them anyway.

  2. The local Labour candidate for my town (apart from being a big fan of the boat people, regularly appearing at Calais) thinks the way to save town centre shops which have taken a real battering is for them to install heat pumps and and buy electric milk floats. Obviously destined to appear on mastermind soon. Move over David Lammy.

  3. I’ve gradually come to the conclusion that the green movement consists of a number of profoundly evil people and a vast host of useful idiots. Greenism is an easy sell, even to people who are of high intelligence but who are Ill informed. Who doesn’t care about their planet, their home? It is so easy for the evil greens to convince the vast host that they are the good guys. There are environmental problems, of course there are, some are major, some are minor and some are completely imaginary. All are manageable and those that obsess about them completely ignore the vast benefits of modern civilisation.

    So, the victims of this government funded scam are getting exactly what they deserve. You would need to spectacularly unaware not to have noticed that every single example of green cack costs considerably more than the stuff that has been proven for decades, even centuries, to actually work.

    I have no problem with these utter fools impoverishing themselves. The problem being that Parliament is stuffed with those useful idiots and they are doing their damnest to impoverish me.

    Greens all deserve to freeze in the dark. That is the obvious outcome that would befall everyone if their stupid ideas ever get put into practice. Now please excuse me I need at least three hours to gloat.

  4. You would warm your home up more efficiently by leaving your fridge door open.
    It is a heat pump, it uses green electricity, and you will feel just as virtuous.
    And it does not annoy the neighbours.
    Sadly the expenses claimers will not slip you a few notes.

  5. Chuckled? How very British of you. I laughed so much I nearly had a fucking rectal prolapse (but my trusty ring of steel did not let me down).

    And I think they mean “arsehole destroying” (not mine obviously)

  6. I would like to add a comment.My house is heated by a heat pump.It was already installed when we moved in 8 years ago,so how old it is I have no idea.The house was built in the 1980s I think so it could be the original installation.During the winter it can maintain a temperature of 19/22 C and in summer we use it to cool us to the same. Having said this, we live in the lower end of the South Island of New Zealand by the coast,so are at about 45 deg South whereas the UK is about 54deg North.It never gets really cold here,but how people in the interior keep warm , when they regularly get frosts of minus 15 and below I have never enquired. It does not cost too many arms or legs to run it but electricity prices are rising thanks to the green stupidities of the Government. Most houses in New Zealand are heated with wood burning stoves and selling firewood is a thriving industry. Many houses are badly insulated and suffer with damp and mould problems.Problems that are relatively easily fixed. The one big drawback I find with the heat pump is that there is no radiant heat coming from it, this can make a big difference in feeling chilly or not.

  7. If the heat pumps in the UK are using more electricity rather than less, isn’t that doing the precise opposite of what the government was trying to achieve?

  8. Question for those more gifted than I.
    If everyone has an air source heat pump and they are all sucking every last ounce of heat out of the air will it start another ice age?

    • It is an interesting question whether the number of wind turbines that would be required to realise the green wet dream would have an effect on the climate.

      • Solar panels soaking up the sun’s heat? Some years ago we were all going to suffer from acid rain. So in came the condensing boiler which spews out acidic steam. Do they wonder why we aren’t all taken in. Don’t get me started on insulation!

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