1. Lord Rockingham’s Eleven I believe. I know this because my former work colleague Trevor is roughly the same age as me and that is his birthday song. That is the song that was number one in the UK charts when he was born. I have When? by the Kalin Twins which I quite like. I’m sixty four in case you feel the need to look it up, both Trev and I were born late 1958.

    • Yes, I’m also far too young to know the original song (born in 1971). I do remember that advert though. Those were the good old days in advertising, when companies didn’t feel the need to have all this tiresome virtue-signalling in their ad campaigns, or have unrepresentative proportions of non-white people in their adverts. It seems that about one third to a half of people in adverts these days are black or mixed-race. And the proportion of mixed-race *couples* in adverts is also far higher than it is in real life.

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