Evil Hobgoblin

Ash Sarkar.

I have my own views on the submersible that has gone missing. Largely, that it was a foolish endeavour – not because they wanted to go and look at the wreck of the Titanic, but because they chose to do so in such a Heath Robinson craft. A craft about which they had been warned regarding its integrity and safety. The same kind of hubris that lead to the loss of the ship they went to see, so there is a sort of tragic  irony. That said, these men have lost their lives and reasonable people will find that a little sad. It’s one of those things that we look upon as a heroic failure.

Not Ash Sarkar, the hideous communist.

‘If the super-rich can spend £250,000 on vanity jaunts 2.4 miles beneath the ocean then they’re not being taxed enough.’

I mean, seriously, how misanthropic, how rotten to the core, how dead inside must you be to say such a thing? This evil, spiteful creature thinks that an ideology responsible for the deaths of 100 million people is okay, so I suppose five more won’t make a difference. This woman has no moral compass; no humanity. Instead, she spouts the usual spiteful politics of envy: These people have lots of money, I don’t approve of the way they spent it, so it should be stolen from them so that the state can piss it up the wall.

Bottom line here – it was their money. I wouldn’t have spent mine doing that, but I understand why they did and even if I was to disapprove (and I don’t) then it’s up the them how they spend it. It is their money, not Ash Sarkar’s and not the state’s. Also, it was their risk to take, which they did, despite the warnings.

I’ve always despised Sarkar for her hideous, misanthropic evil, but I despise her even more now – and I didn’t think that possible. She is, literally the scum of the Earth. Evil, nasty, scum. It’s just a shame that she never lived through the Stalin era, for he would have shown her how communism works.


  1. Yes, the left are unpleasant misanthropes. Mary Beard is another one. Remember what she said about the September 11th attacks – that America had it coming? Yes, because the 3,000 people killed on that day deserved to die, didn’t they? Hateful people.

  2. That’s the far left for you, completely devoid of any human decency. And commie Sarkar is one of the worst.

  3. Sarkar certainly fancies herself.
    She’s very far from the intellectual she believes herself to be – most of her pronouncements are only partly (and mainly very sketchily) thought-through. There’s far too much reliance on the ‘statistics and ‘facts’ for leftists’ playbook.
    But the MSM seem to love her.
    Like all middle class commies, she’d have been first up against the wall. The term ‘useful idiot’ applies.

  4. “ seriously, how misanthropic, how rotten to the core, how dead inside must you be to say such a thing?”

    We should have taken bets on which of them it would be that came out with such a thing, because it was inevitable one would, wasn’t it?

  5. The other thing that this type of people don’t get is that, once the state has stolen every last penny from the super rich and spent it, the only a bit rich are going to be next. The ones that haven’t fled the country that is. Soon enough the state will have blown through their money too and now we are down to the Ash Sarkars of the world who are obviously living in a house that is much bigger than they need that needs to be confiscated for the common good. Once you abolish property rights and justify theft as being good for the collective nobody’s stuff is safe. There is also zero incentive to work. Remind me again why socialism never works. We still have super rich people but they are now the politicians who stuffed their pockets with most of the stolen money.

  6. @JuliaM

    Quite, And I imagine there are a number of other such soulless, speak you hate degenerates who wish they’d said it first.

    The serious note I would add is the founder stating clearly, in the waiver that needed to be signed, that no certification authority had approved the submersible.

    Further, there are interviews where he stated that he had essentially (I don’t completely know he must have consulted somebody) no experienced submariners on his team (acknowledging that other builders of such vessels had). Why? Because he didn’t want “50 year old white guys” around, preferring instead “inspirational youngsters”.

    This is going to run and run methinks. Two of the people onboard were billionaires, so no shortage of funds for any lawsuits. In a court, a US court I would think, well, I’m sure lawyers will utilise this hubris.

    The real test though, will be to see what the lamestream media makes of it. After all, it has been stated pretty clearly that “old white guys” and their patriarchal, fascist creations – aka certification authorities – had nothing to do with it.

    I, for one, will be watching with interest. A particularly fascinating and revealing facts vs feelz is about to unfold.

    • Indeed. The guy who warned them that it wasn’t safe was sacked, so overall, I’d put this one down to play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You couldn’t have paid me to get in that pile of bodged junk. But they did. They paid the price. Their choice. On the other hand, if people don’t do risky things that others regard as foolhardy, then we never make progress.

      As you say, the fallout will prove interesting.

    • Someone said somewhere that waivers don’t apply to negligence so there may be lawsuits although I’m not sure that Oceangate will survive long enough to be sued.

      • Waivers in this sort of case are not worth the paper they are printed on. If the organisation was negligent, then the law applies, regardless of waivers.

  7. Four or five people die every day on the UK’s roads and nobody cares except their nearest and dearest. What is it about these particular five people that their deaths dominate the news for days on end? Is it just the spectacular way they chose to die?

    • Yes it did dominate the news, odd, especially as the US Navy are saying they thought they heard it implode on Sunday. Now why would the US Govt not say anything, what has happened in the last few days which had been buried by this story I wonder?

      • There are actually very good reasons for the US Navy to not make an immediate announcement. Once they had found wreckage the evidence would have to be reviewed by expert analysts to confirm that it definitely was what the ROV operators thought it was, before anything could be released to the public. Reports would have to be passed up the chain of command. Other government and private entities involved in the search would have to be briefed. The immediate families of the deceased would have to be notified, and then given time to contact more distant relatives so that they wouldn’t have to learn about it from a TV news report or from reporters turning up on their doorstep. But to buy enough time to complete all this work with the necessary degree of privacy they had to provide some narrative that would keep the mass media happy for a few days, and the “96 hours of oxygen” soap opera served that purpose very well.

  8. On other forums i’ve seen posts from lefties positively creaming their pants at the thought these poor sods might die, that they might deserve it even, not a shred of humanity in their rotten bodies.

    Maybe a few years of genuine communism would do these idiots some good, do they think because they’ve preached the right gospel that they’ll be the favoured ones, once they are of no further use and now considered a danger to the new more equal they are disposed of.

    • As I said, I’d like to take these arseholes back in time and dump them in Stalin’s Soviet Union, see how they like communism in practice. No one who actually lived though that vile regime or in the Warsaw pact has any inclination to go back to it. Only the stupid cretins who look at it with rose tinted spectacles, while ignoring the piled of rotting corpses.

  9. Ash Sakar is just a vile, talentless individual who can only ride on a tragedy like this by being spiteful. Being amoral, there are no depths ( pun intended ) that she will not descend so as to be seen. Being of extremely limited intellect she completely missed the real point of the story, someone as our host remarked, was allowed to make money utilising an extremely risky submersible that commentators have been diplomatically saying was experimental but in fact was a Heath Robinson bodge in too many ways to be either certificated or considered a good example of out of the box thinking. Having worked with carbon fibre in it’s earlier years, even after 30 + years there still seems to be an air of mystique around it that it’s some sort of wonder material that it doesn’t deserve. Yes it is extremely strong for it’s weight and as the technology has evolved, weaving strands of various metals into the composite, it has improved it’s strength and ductilaty. However, to use it in an environmet of extreme pressures and temperatures such as 4000 m down in the Atlantic Ocean and then the designer to have the arrogance because it was desinged with help from NASA and other high tech outfits, that as it hasn’t failed yet, it can be used ad infinitum, is bordering on the criminally negligent.

  10. I read that the US government didn’t want the extent of their sonar operations (the possible cause of the noises) to be revealed.

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