I’m With Lozza

I, too, am against everything it represents.

An unrepentant Laurence Fox has defended burning LGBTQ+ bunting in his back garden on Father’s Day, saying he has received thousands of messages of support since the stunt.

The actor-turned-political activist, who is preparing to compete for Boris Johnson’s Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency, also insisted that he would welcome questioning from the Metropolitan Police after the force confirmed it was ‘assessing’ the video.

Ah, yes, they don’t have any actual crime to investigate, preferring to pander to the alphabet crowd and the imaginary hate crime bullshit. The current ideology around the alphabet people is one of the most vile, hateful ideologies that I can recall in my lifetime. It is thoroughly misanthropic and has nothing to do with liberating homosexuals from being criminalised for being what they are.

Homosexuality was decriminalised when I was a child. This was a good thing as is tolerance. I recall the section 28 furore and it seems as if Margaret Thatcher was right about children being propagandised in schools. The constant screeching, hectoring and interminable Pride month that seems to go on forever is seeing that tolerance wearing thin. I was tolerant, it’s how I’ve always been – you do your thing and leave me alone to do mine and we will get along just fine. However, you have no right to force your thing on me and you have no right to demand that I respect your lifestyle and you have no right to demand that I use your absurd pronouns or affirm your identity. I no longer have any tolerance left. It’s gone. The tank is empty. All that is left is hostility. And who is to blame for this?

He was wearing a T-shirt with an image of a rainbow above the phrase ‘Comes Before A Fall’ – hinting that the message being giving was ‘Pride Comes Before A Fall’.

That wasn’t a hint, it was a blatant statement and I hope that it is prophetic. It is time that the Pride arseholes do fall and fall hard. I am sick of them, I am sick of their insane ideology and I am sick of their fucking rainbow flag, so burning a few is a good thing.


  1. Have you noticed that the left have no problem with flags of countries such as the UK or the US being burned? They will defend the burning of those national flags. But if anyone dares to burn the flag of the rainbow nation, the left will be outraged and demand that the flag burner be arrested for a hate crime or some made-up phobia.

  2. What precisely are they “proud” of?

    It all began with homosexuals, and I have no problems with the beginning. If you are a man who prefers other men, do so. Go about your day and best of luck to you, but please don’t bother me. I am not interested in your sexual proclivities and I really can’t understand this necessity to shove it in my face.

    When that is done, I would ask what is it you really want? Sodomy is disgusting, and it can result in some pretty unpleasant consequences for participating sodomites if indulged for prolonged periods.

    But so can alcohol.

    But drunks and queers (among others), as caricatures, have had a place in British culture, probably for centuries.

    When it come to arse banditry, or drunkenness, or men dressing up as women, or a thousand and one other things, most people’s reaction is “meh”.

    So the provocation just has to get worse. More and more extreme. Until you get to kiddie fiddling, where all this seems to be heading.

    I don’t know what sort of reaction they want. I know what they will get sooner or later.

  3. Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins. I can’t wait for the others to get their own month. I’m particularly looking forward to Gluttony month and Lust month.

  4. I can tolerate many behaviours… but I don’t always respect them.

    If many of the victimhood activists could settle for toleration rather than demonising others for their offensive lack of ‘respect’ then the world would be a better place. And activists would be short of a Cause and out of a job.

    Perhaps if people just destroyed pride flags and banners without witnesses then the infestation might be lessened… but as long as you are a ‘counter activist’ and broadcast the destruction to make a point this will fuel the madness rather than reduce it.

    • but as long as you are a ‘counter activist’ and broadcast the destruction to make a point this will fuel the madness rather than reduce it.

      I get the point here. However, it does have the effect of letting the silent majority know that they are not alone, so there is some benefit. Besides, it made me smile.

  5. The correct quotation is actually better:
    Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
    Proverbs 16:18 KJV

  6. The crazy thing is I bet that the majority of gays are probably also embarrassed by this crap.

  7. By the way, Mr Longrider, there’s a typo in the ‘tolerance’ tag at the end of your post. You’ve misspelled it ‘tolernace’.

  8. I was shopping today and noticed that the dishwasher tablets I normally buy, Fairy, had rainbow flag colours across the top and the usual pious messaging about tolerance, respect and inclusion. Not so long ago I wouldn’t have found this objectionable but now it infuriates me. Why? Because it seems to me that this is now a less kind and tolerant society than at any time since I became an adult more than 50 years ago and because those proclaiming this message are among the least kind and least tolerant members of it.

  9. Just seen in a news feed that a school in Derbyshire has given school kids 42 pronouns to choose from! No wonder youngsters are suffering from mental health issues, give them a break and let them be kids and young adults.

  10. The thing about tolerance is that the vast majority of us adopted a live and let live attitude decades ago. Before that, minorities needed to be loud and pushy because they did face genuine discrimination. Since then they have been largely pushing at an open door but it seems that there’s not much fun in that. The obvious next step is just declaring victory and moving on.

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