In Which I Side With Pride

And don’t think that this will be a regular occurrence. It’s a one-off aberration.

Just Stop Oil has threatened to disrupt London‘s Pride parade if a list of their demands are not met.

Ahead of the event on Saturday, eco-zealots who said they are ‘LGBTQ+ supporters of Just Stop Oil’ issued a letter calling for London Pride to make a statement condemning new oil, gas and coal.

‘We also demand that they cease accepting sponsorship money from high polluting industries and stop allowing the inclusion of floats from these organisations in the parade,’ the letter said.

‘These partnerships embarrass the LGBTQ+ community, at a time when much of the cultural world is rejecting ties to these toxic industries.

‘If London Pride fails to take these basic steps necessary to protect our community, we will have to consider potential escalations which may result in the disruption of Pride.’

I’ve got no time for Pride, but I have even less time for those who engage in demands with menaces and blackmail. The only appropriate response to these terrorists is ‘fuck off and die.’ Anyone who thinks they have the right to make demands of others needs to be disabused of the notion in the most forthright manner possible.

On the other hand, the left eating itself is somewhat amusing. But if I have to pick a side, well, I’m with Pride on this one. Normal operation will resume shortly.


  1. ‘If London Pride fails to take these basic steps necessary to protect our community, we will have to consider potential escalations which may result in the disruption of Pride.’

    Activists nowadays have to compete strongly to gain media recognition. Arguably only the most obsessive (persons or organisations) gain that recognition – and if others are obsessive about The Wrong Thing then they are stealing your righteousness and acclaim and must be subordinated to your Great Cause.

    “That’s a nice parade – it would be a shame if anything disrupted it” It’s just extortion.

  2. I recall a Viz article in one of the Viz annuals that my sister sends me every Christmas. It was a game similar to those on the back of a Christmas Selection Box. It was Ant n’ Dec’s new TV Reality Show where you randomly selected several items and strung them together to come up with the latest hit show.

    One was Knife Fighting Monkeys (sort of a 21st Century Roman Arena contest) as one of the more sensible options.

    I can envisage the two mobs going at each other and the result wouldn’t be much different to Knife Fighting Monkeys, both being violent and intolerant of anything and anyone not enthusiastically supporting their point of view. Televise it and have the best bits on a pay to view and you’d make a fortune. I’d buy shares in popcorn manufacturers if they do.

  3. If I had to choose two groups to go head to head in a fight to the death these two would be very close to the top of the list.

    Let battle commence. 😀

  4. I look forward to the JSO numpties being showered with paint and powder, pink of course, by a bunch of hairy arsed, bearded blokes in tutus. In fact, I would pay good money to see that.

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