Up Yours


 has goaded  voters after a poll found that a growing majority of people would like to rejoin the .

The former prime minister of Belgium and prominent MEP for the nation declared it is “time to rejoin” in a social media post.

Fuck off. When you have done that, fuck off again and keep fucking off until we can’t hear you again. I was not mislead and I will never, ever, vote to rejoin a corrupt, authoritarian unelected bureaucracy, so fuck off.

A poll conducted by YouGov recently became the latest to identify a growing trend in favour of rejoining the bloc.

Ah, yeah, YouGov, so self-selecting.

Over the last eighteen years, YouGov has carefully recruited a panel of over 1 million British adults to take part in our surveys. Panel members are recruited from a host of different sources, including via standard advertising, and strategic partnerships with a broad range of websites.

So we can take that with a pinch of salt.

At the same time, the poll found people are becoming increasingly disaffected with the Government’s facilitation of Brexit.

That does not mean that we want to rejoin.

Fuck off.

Fuck off

Fuck off.


  1. “…the poll found people are becoming increasingly disaffected with the Government’s facilitation of Brexit.”

    No shit you fucking morons, that doesn’t mean that leaving was a mistake, it means that we have an utterly incompetent government. Had the Government’s facilitation of Brexit been in any way competent we would be reaping huge benefits by now. The problem is that those in power would rather wreck their own country than be proved wrong. Still, with the Netherlands banning farming and the Germans sacrificing their entire economy to the cult of green, there is plenty of time for us to be vindicated.

  2. With German industry circling the gurgler, France self imolating, Netherlands government convinced that their primary money maker, agriculture needs to be killed off to save the planet, Italy…? Well it’s Italy. the EU really really needs a nation with some surplus dosh.
    And some cannon fodder would be nice for the EU Defence Force when the assault on Russia is resumed after a slight hiatus of 80 or so years.I
    Aye, right.

  3. Polling told the Europhiles they would win the referendum. They’d never have given us the chance to vote on it if they thought they’d lose.

    And, as I’ve said many times to ScotNats, the only reason I don’t want another one is that referendums are an expensive, divisive, pain in the arse and we don’t need one. But if you’re determined, bring it on. We beat you once, and we’ll do it again.

  4. Every time this vile man opens his mouth more people start to realise what a con the EU is. More publicity needed for him and his views.

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