That Would Be Everyone

The NHS is not fit for purpose.

NHS patients are to be told which pronouns their doctors and nurses prefer to be addressed by.

Okay, so pronouns are what we use to refer to someone in the third person, so they wouldn’t know. Besides I tend to refer to a doctor as, er, doctor… No one – that is absolutely no one – outside of an extreme minority cult has preferred pronouns that they wish to be used about them.

A diversity training module for medics tells them to inform patients of their pronouns – such as he/him, she/her or they/them – to create a ‘safe space’ for transgender and non-binary people, who make up 0.5 per cent of the population.

Anyone with any sense will simply ignore this and carry on as before.

Critics last night warned the move risks making patients who are not transgender ‘uncomfortable’.

That would be pretty much everyone.

And it says transgender staff must be allowed to access single-sex facilities of the gender they identify as – regardless of whether they have physically transitioned.

Clearly the NHS hasn’t been paying attention to recent events on this one. They talk about safe spaces and then say it’s okay for a hairy arsed bloke to walk into female changing rooms and toilets. I’d like to say that you couldn’t make it up, but clearly we can. While a backlash against this Stonewall inspired insanity is building elsewhere, the NHS still has its head buried in the sand.

‘In doing so you are creating a safe space for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming people who may not feel comfortable to go first in introducing themselves with pronouns.’

Never mind the 99.5% who might be uncomfortable with having to endure this pronouns nonsense. I will never introduce myself with pronouns and I have now ceased any attempt at being polite and using the incorrect pronouns for someone who identifies as something they clearly are not. This hard-line approach is a direct result of the constant demands for me to do so. My tolerance has expired. I suspect that I’m not alone. I will not, under any circumstances, refer to a hairy arsed bloke in a dress as ‘she.’ If I have to be polite because they turn up for training, I’ll refer to them by their name. Outside of that, no, I’m not playing.

In order to appease a percentage of the 0.5% of the population – because not every trans person goes along with this – the rest of us are expected to bow to the insanity being imposed upon us by ideologues. If the NHS can afford money on this so-called training, it has too much and needs its funding cut substantially.


  1. You are absolutely right, of course. When you are interacting with someone face-to-face, you would never need to use third person pronouns for that person. You would be using pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘you’.

    As for that figure of 0.5% of the population being tranny, I don’t know where they get that figure from. From what I remember reading a few years ago, I think a more accurate figure would be half or perhaps a quarter of that (if you include only the real transsexuals and exclude all the ‘non-binary’ idiots such as Sam Smith).

    • By the way, my response to being told an NHS member of staff’s pronouns would probably be along the lines of, “do I look as if I care?”.

    • Exactly my understanding of the figures. It’s a similar story for gay men and women. The various pressure groups claimed 10%, even 30% at one time. In the anonymity and lack of pressure of a mainly online census, it seems the true figure is around 2%. So one would expect a transgender percentage in reality that numbers quite close to immeasurable.
      But our leftist media and politicians (both red and blue- they are all socialists now) love to play the white knights, fondly imagining that there are votes for them in this (which we now know there aren’t).
      Clown world continues to progress.

    • As for that figure of 0.5% of the population being tranny, I don’t know where they get that figure from.

      I think the figure has risen due to it being fashionable. Every one I’ve come across seems to be mentally ill and have added trans to the mix.

    • Where you’ll get into “trouble” is in situations in which you are discussing another health professional, e.g. “the doctor has already seen me this morning and he said that I could go home today”. If the doctor uses they/them, you may find yourself the victim of rabid, woke rage.

  2. “the doctor has already seen me this morning and said that I could go home today”


    Meanwhile, if you want to piss them off, take the piss.
    Identify with your pronouns as I/me.
    Makes for great fun if they actually try to respect your wishes and use them. And if they don’t respect your wishes and don’t use them, get upset and play them at their own intolerance game.

    Personally, I try and avoid the whole thing. I haven’t actually come across anyone who does this sort of thing, but then I hang around with sensible people and a lot of Eastern Europeans…

    • Yes, Chernyy, avoiding pronouns is possible, as is using someone’s preferred pronouns, but in the real world, most people will speak as they are accustomed to speak in everyday life. My mum would probably follow up your suggestion with “the doctor is such a lovely young man, he reminds me of my grandson”.

  3. ’Clearly the NHS hasn’t been paying attention to recent events on this one.’

    Oh, they have, they just think they are too big to have to worry about that. After all, haven’t successive governments told them they are untouchable?

  4. Social engineers love a nationalised industry. You can take your business from Disney and Annheuser-Busch when they pull shit like this. Bit more difficult to take it from the National Elf.

  5. In pushing for a safe space for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender non-conforming people, no one seems to care for the safe spaces of biological women in toilets or changing rooms or of members of the general public being compelled to speak in certain ways. Strange how a very large majority is ignored in favour of a very small minority.

    My pronouns are “The Lord High Poobah of the Universe/The Lord High Poobah of the Universe’s” – I would be seriously offended, nay harmed, if they were not accorded full respect.

  6. I can understand this sort of thing happening amongst social workers and HR departments but shouldn’t doctors and nurses have at least a rudimentary understanding of basic biology?

  7. I suspect a refusal to use the required pronoun will result in refusal of treatment probably followed by a visit by the NHS heavy brigade (ie “security”) who (at best) will chuck the offender out or (at worst) get our wonderful police “service” involved. There are no lengths to which these people will not go.

  8. You can make as many rules about this crap as you like, but when a bloke in a dress follows a young girl or her mother into the ladies toilet her normal dad is likely to remove said bloke through the door head first without opening it and i’m not going to blame him.

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