
I have wondered over the decades whether this country would have succumbed to Nazi ideology had we been invaded in 1940. The covid fiasco tended to tell a depressing story that there would have been plenty of collaborators. But the persecution and annihilation of the Jews? Surely not. Oh, yes, yes indeed.

Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters are protesting across major UK cities including London, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Glasgow and Newcastle as police warn that anyone showing support for Hamas or deviating from the route could face arrest.

Men, women and children of all ages are holding placards demanding Israel ‘stop bombing Gaza’. The gatherings come as Palestinians began a mass exodus from northern Gaza after Israel’s military told them to evacuate ahead of an expected ground invasion.

The UN, human rights groups and others have been among those expressing deep concern about the impact of Israeli action on civilians, as the death toll continues to grow amid airstrikes and a siege on the territory.

Every one of these people is a despicable, disgusting excuse for a human being. Only a week ago, the people they are crowing in support of, were murdering innocent civilians, including infants and beheading them. Any reasonable person would be sickened by this, but these people are actively out there on the streets parading their support for such evil and demanding that the victims not retaliate.

So, I guess I cannot be certain that my fellow countrymen wouldn’t be sending people to the death camps. I am bitterly disappointed and deeply ashamed to see this on the streets of my country. They do not do this in my name. Never in my name. They sicken and disgust me. Every single one of them.


  1. The covid scam disabused me of my previous simplistic and just plain wrong belief that in Britain things would have been different.

    Celebs and others, believing in their own warped minds that we give an actual tuppeny one for their twisted opinions, crawled from the woodwork to call for incarceration apartheid forced medical experimentation on us who didn’t enthusiastiaccly worship their new gods, vaccine, masking, lockdown, safe and effective.

    Oh no, they were here all along, it was an emotional time for me because my beliefs of 60 odd years prior proved to be nothing more than an illusion, s’ok i’m up to date now.

    I truly wonder what goes on inside people now, trust in common decency and the normal people will instinctively do the right thing has gone, so many would have collaborated (feeding the crocodile hoping he won’t eat me, he will) but a sizeable proportion would and will jump on the greasy pole of the day for their own benefits and twisted reasons.

    Among those i know a tiny handful have absolute decency writ through them like a stick of rock, the rest not so sure.

    • Spot on! But…

      ’I am bitterly disappointed and deeply ashamed to see this on the streets of my country.’

      Looking at the attendees, it’s hard to see which country thay really are a part of.

      • This is a fair point. However, there are Brits there. The usual useful idiots who have always been there. The pole who thought that the Soviet Union was a jolly good model to follow.

  2. Why do these missguided fools think that a war in the Middle East is any of their business anyway?

  3. Looking at the faces in the crowds from that article, how many would have been here in the 1940’s?

  4. I have utterly no doubt that the Government, civil service and the Police would have simply regarded the Nazi occupiers as simply a change of government. The Governor of Jersey enthusiastically cooperated with the German occupiers and did their bidding, including handing over the Jews.

    if you know anything about firearms and WW1, then when WW1 started, the British Army was about to adopt the P14 Enfield and change from the .303 British ammunition to a 7mm calibre (the .276 Enfield). However, the confusion that this would have caused made them stick with the .303 and in case the factories could not produce enough Lee Enfield Rifles, contracted the production of the P14 to America and just over 1.2 million were produced.

    In the event, the British factories did produce enough Lee Enfields to satisfy the requirements and the a relatively small number of the P14 rifles were used for training and some were converted for sniping.

    When WW2 broke out and there was a definite possibility that Britain would be invaded, then those P14 rifles were kept in storage and the newly formed Home Guard paraded with broomsticks, shoguns and whatever firearms were held by civilians.

    It was only in 1941, after the Battle of the Barges and the Home Guard brought fully under Government control were the P14’s issued to the Home Guard.

    Invasion and disruption was considered bad enough but to arm the people … That was beyond the pale.

    In 1920, the 1920 Firearms Act was introduced to license firearms of military use and the reason was that the Russian Revolution so scared the establishment that the people had to be disarmed. They lied about it and claimed it was to prevent crime and put a 60 year restriction on the records. It wasn’t until 1981 that this came out.

    The control tendencies of “the establishment” would have had no problem working with the Nazis. Similarly, if the Nazis passed laws contrary to the interests of the people, the Police, sworn to enforce the law, would have done so.

    If you want to investigate this further, try reading Guns and Violence by R. A. I Munday and J. A. Stevenson.

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