
The past echoes down through time. And since last Saturday, we have seen how not only terrorists can carry out atrocities, but apparently civilised people can cheer them on. If you thought Kristallnacht was an aberration, then you are mistaken.

The Star of David has been graffitied on the doors of homes in Berlin, in a chilling echo of anti-Semitic persecution of Jewish people under the Nazis.

Pictures circulating online show the symbol was drawn on several buildings, with four cases reported to German police in recent days.

Jewish people living in the German capital have reported a rise in abuse following Hamas‘s bloody attack on Israel last week.

Nearly a hundred years on, it is starting again. The German people have spent two generations self flagellating over the Nazi horror, but it seems that some themes run deep. Of course, we have a newly imported antisemitism in the form of Islam – and I refuse to use the term Islamic extremism, because Islam is, itself, extreme. Sure, there are Muslims who have not been involved, but their vile cult is responsible for this. Hamas is merely the manifestation of what their evil prophet designed in his nasty Hubbardesque religion. Antisemitism is at its vile heart. And Germany is, today, along with the rest of Europe, seeing what happens when you import third world savages by the boatload.


  1. I’ve never really understood the anti-jew thing, but it does seem to menacingly go hand in glove with those of a leftish persuasion.

  2. They tend towards being hard working, highly motivated and successful. That puts a spanner in the lefty worldview that poor people are poor because of evil capitalists or uncaring Tories rather than being lazy unmotivated failures. Obviously your start in life has an effect on your future but I know plenty of people who have made a decent life for themselves from a very basic start.

  3. ’Sure, there are Muslims who have not been involved, but their vile cult is responsible for this.’

    One only has to look at the video of those females tearing down the posters of the missing. Palestinian..? No. Black Africans.

    No dog in the fight except their wretched religion.

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