It’s been a while since I took the little trot to task. Apparently, Hamas’ homophobia is our fault.
Owen Jones has been torn apart on X, formerly known as Twitter, for a post claiming Britain should shoulder the blame for Palestine’s homophobic laws.
In a series of posts, Mr Jones claimed the biggest threat to “LGBTQ+ Gaza’s comes from the Israeli onslaught”.
A post from the Guardian columnist arguing that the British Empire is responsible for Gaza’s anti-gay discrimination received a humiliating “community note”, fact-checking his claims.
Mr Jones posted: “By the way, it wasn’t actually Hamas who introduced the law banning homosexuality in Gaza.
“Guess who it was? The British Empire.
If I hadn’t seen this, I wouldn’t have thought such rampant stupidity existed, but Jones has managed it. He’s scraped the barrel until the bottom fell out.
So, what this tedious little tick is arguing for is British values – because those were the British values at the time, but they aren’t now. In the time since the British left the region, not only have the denizens had enough time to modify their laws, but we have done just that and decriminalised homosexuality. Jones really is a complete cretin. Given that they have not moved on and decriminalised the practice in Gaza, perhaps we should just invade, recolonise the place and be done with it.
I’m sure the idiot Jones could find a reason to blame us, though.
If it was not for the Empah they would not have tall buildings.
They would have to depend on cliffs.
So it is our/our ancestors’/our ancestors’ feudal bosses fault.
So there.
Well, it WAS an Englishman who discovered Gravity.
If Hamas identified Owen as a woman then instead of throwing him off a building they would hang him from his thumbs. I would prefer that option.
What doesn’t seem to occur to people on the Left is that trying to impose Western Values on other countries is akin to colonisation; sending missionaries to convert the people to Christianity.
The Left should be supporting Israel as the only country in the region where being LGBT is tolerated and even protected.
I think you are assuming a little common sense and lack of hypocracy.
Owen, and others like him seem to live in some kind of opposite world. Where the disasterous Soviet experiment was a roaring success, where more government is the answer to every problem, where lazy feckless idiots can have equality with hard working and resourceful people who have their act together. Their lives seem to be one constant battle to hammer the square peg of their beliefs into the round hole of reality. How long is it now since the British Empire faded? How is it that some countries gained independence and became modern industrialised democracies, while others actually reverted backwards to pretty much the way they were before? Ok, I’m generalising and over simplifying I know but how long can people carry on blaming colonialism for ever Ill that occurs in backward countries? I’m surprised that he didn’t try to blame Thatcher.
He will,he will!
Some people (avoiding stereotypes, just some individuals) throw hissy fits. If you can make a career of throwing hissy fits then there is a tendency for those hissy fits to get more hysterical, particularly when all the regular targets have been used up. No relationship to the real world is required or ‘useful’.
Hamas will never make homosexuality legal. They are Islamic fundamentalists who follow the words of Mopedo. The quaran (spit) hadiths and sura emphasise that homosexuals should be killed by various methods. Hamas aint going to go against that, because that’s what they believe. Jones is worse than an idiot – he’s a liar who knows he’s lying just to cast shit on us.
I loathe Jones with even more vigour than I loathe Hamas. At least they are intellectually honest.
Both he and Richard Murphy I rate as significantly more toxic than ISIS and Hamas for sure
I haven’t said otherwise. By intellectually honest, I mean that they have never made a secret of what they are, what their aims are and what they represent. They have never lied about that as it is written in the Quran, the hadiths and the Sura. They are being true to their religion. This is what Islam is. And one of the things they are told, is that it is okay to lie to the kuffir. So, yeah, intellectually honest.