Enforced Speech

I’m with J K Rowling here.

JK Rowling has said she would happily do a spell in jail if a future Labour government makes it a hate crime to deliberately call someone by the wrong pronouns.

The Harry Potter author said she would rather do time for misgendering than submit to ‘compelled speech’. She spoke out after The Mail on Sunday revealed that Labour plans to introduce stricter sentences for abuse targeted at transgender people.

The idea of compelled speech is abhorrent. Given that pronouns are used in the third person, then the only way the person could be offended would be if someone dobbed you in. That said, we cannot change sex. Choosing to use pronouns applicable to someone’s presented gender is an example of politeness. It should never be enforced. And if it is, then I’m going down the same route as Rowling. Politeness be damned.

Ms Rowling joined the row last night after posting on social media the word ‘no’ above an image of the slogan ‘trans women are women’.

She is objectively correct. Denying this is to lie. Yet we are being told that we must lie, must go along with the lie, deny the evidence of our own senses. Welcome to the Soviet Union Comrade.


  1. So if I decided my “pronouns” were “sieg” and “heil” I could have some degraded marxist swill banged up for not using them?

    Of course, there would be banned “pronouns” (an actual prescribed list would require a few petabytes).

    The limit on lunacy (if ever there was one) seems to have disappeared. Is this just the death spasm?

  2. Sigh!!

    I’m wondering when we’ll copy this here in Oz. Still, the fact that the ‘Voice’ was overwhelmingly defeated may mean that the Libs may see some profit in opposing this sort of nonsense.

    Well. I can hope, anyway.

  3. This exactly from where Jordan Peterson came into prominence.

    A student at the University of Michigan chose “His Majesty” as his chosen pronoun so there will be fun.

  4. This is the type of thing that’s in store for us if loony Labour gain power after next year’s election. I wouldn’t be surprised if Labour were to go as far as Ireland’s ‘hate crime’ bill, which I think is still progressing through the Irish parliament. (You can find articles about this Irish ‘hate crime’ bill on websites such as Spiked.)

    I think it’s this proposal to imprison people for two years for the heinous ‘crime’ of misgendering that has made me decide to hold my nose at next year’s election and vote “Conservative”. I loathe the current “Conservative” government. However, I loathe Labour far more. The Tories are really the lesser of two evils. Frankly, Labour are a bunch of tyrants. As bad as the Tories are, even they wouldn’t imprison people for the ‘crime’ of misgendering.

  5. I thought there wasn’t enough space in jail for shop lifters and other crimes deemed as less serious. Where are they going to house all the people who don’t use the correct pronouns?????

  6. It will quickly devolve to either pay a 100,000 fine or go to jail.

    That will be a nice little earner for the Government, no doubt.

  7. Well the criminals ran rings round the asbos and community service orders, so we could do the same. God I hate the labour elites!

  8. Phil, I think you’ve hit upon Labour’s fiscal policy. Don’t bother increasing taxes, just fine everybody for everything…
    If they don’t pay the fines punish them by letting the Old Bill vent their frustration at Just Stop Oil buggers (they pay Sir Kneel enough protection) by applying knuckle sandwiches to offenders!

  9. If I were an editor of a national newspaper, I’d order everyone, especially Sir Kneel, to be “misgendered” as a matter of policy. Dare the bastards to arrest me.

    • Because, by the way, I know what the response would be: “Oh, it’s not meant for every instance; we’ll use our discretion to decide whether it’s a “hate crime” or not”. So do we have the rule of law, or don’t we?

  10. OT but I thought that you might enjoy this story.

    “An Edinburgh couple say they are “in shock” after claiming Tesla gave them a £17,000 bill to fix their battery that was ‘damaged by the rain’.”

    Maybe not so OT since the government want to make EVs compulsory too.

  11. As a scientist I know that sex is genetically determined. There are two sexes and two genders. Male and female and both are immutable. You are a he or a she and that is the end of it. I have the text books and references.

  12. The chromosome thing made me think of seaside rock that has the name of the resort written all the way through it. You could take a stick of Bridlington rock and take some food colouring to white out Bridlington and then write Blackpool on the ends. It would then appear to be Blackpool rock but would still be Bridlington rock really.

  13. What if I say I am he/him, she/her, it/its depending on my mood? The mood in question being whatever a leftie addresses me by is wrong as it triggers a change in the way I feel about myself and therefore my gender?

    Forcing the use of words to describe you when you are not present is bullying.

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