Spare Us

God spare us from the puritans who would dictate our lives. Fuck off and die, the lot of you.

A couple of sausages and rashers of bacon are staples of a full English breakfast.

But, in a blow to red meat fans, scientists warned today that just two servings a week may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Harvard University researchers, who examined the eating habits and diabetes rates for 200,000 people, advised sticking to one serving per week to ‘optimise health’.

But a typical 70g serving is roughly equivalent to just two thick rashers of bacon or one-and-a-half sausages, meaning a cooked breakfast has around 130g.

As it stands, UK health chiefs advise Britons to eat no more than one 70g serving a day.

I’ve got to the age of sixty five and eaten whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I’ll carry on doing so during whatever time I have left. These vile puritans cannot differentiate between quantity of life and quality of life.

Experts examined the health records and dietary patterns of 216,695 people who were quizzed about what they ate every two to four years, for up to 36 years.

During this time, more than 22,000 participants developed type 2 diabetes.

Results, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that eating red meat — both processed and unprocessed — was strongly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Scientists added that swapping red meat for healthy plant protein sources would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change as well as providing other environmental benefits.

This is an assertion. It has no basis in fact. These people are not scientists, they are charlatans.

Fuck off. Fuck off and die. And leave us alone.


  1. Research based on what people recall or claim to have eaten over the last 2 to 4 years is not science I’d base life choices on.

  2. I don’t care if the ‘research’ is 100% correct (it’s not) I will eat what I like, when I like. I have literally eaten lard on toast with salt, no joke, since I was a kid, lovely.

    I am not going to be forced to eat insects either, nor excessive amounts of lettuce

  3. Off topic – a couple of days ago in the comments about JK Rowling and ‘misgendering’, I mentioned that I would vote “Conservative” at the next election because they are the lesser of two evils, and (unlike Labour) they wouldn’t put people in prison for the ‘crime’ of ‘misgendering’. Well, now I’m not so sure.

    The ‘woke’ idiot Sunak is to go ahead and ban ‘conversion therapy’, including for transsexuality. So, if you are a parent, and your son announces that from now on he’s a girl, any discussion you have with your son about reconsidering his ‘transition’ will become a crime under Sunak’s ‘conversion therapy’ ban.

    I would therefore not be at all surprised if a “Conservative” government decided to make ‘misgendering’ punishable with a prison sentence. There is now nothing to choose between Labour and the Tories. Both parties believe the same bollocks – whether it’s about the so-called climate crisis, or transsexuality, or immigration.

    Fuck them. Fuck both parties. Both are establishment, uniparty and globalists. I will vote for neither of them.

  4. Oh feck off you puritanical idiotic “scientists”. There are also plenty of studies out there that sing the praises of the Keto Diet, the Atkins Diet, and the Low Carb Diet for reducing the threat of Type 2 diabetes – and in all of those, plenty of fat and red meat are consumed. Just reading a Keto cookbook or cooking website would almost put you off the stuff because everything is the same – some meat stuff slathered in fat and gobbed with cheese.

    What else were these people in the survey eating? They weren’t living on red meat alone.

    I’m sure all the diabetics consumed some water and definitely all breathed the air let’s make that an even more hyperbolic cause! You can correlate just about anything with just about anything else, get low p values and everything. But causation – and weeding out other factors in the causation – that takes some actual scientific work, and produces far less dramatically breathless headlines.

  5. It’s all about “blame”.

    Strength through joy defines an arbitrary limit for meat, alcohol, whatever.

    Exceed these arbitrary limits and the “consequences” – as set out by minitru become self inflicted.

    No access to world beating services for you then folk-comrade, as these are conditional on responsible life choices which you clearly decided to ignore.

    Think of the cheeeeeeldren!

  6. These days I’d tend to assume that the study was done with the aim of finding something to scare people with. Anything would have done.

  7. The causes of T2 diabetes are already well known. If you are overweight it is normal to store fat in a layer under your skin. For about 25% of the general population there is a tendency to store fat around internal organs, particularly the liver and pancreas. This causes the insulin producing cells to start going dormant and an excess of fat generally causes insulin resistance throughout the body. If you are not in that 25% you are highly unlikely to get it. Weight loss, exercise and sensible diet, carbohydrates being the thing to watch, can generally reduce the symptoms to a manageable level. It has now been shown that sufficient weight loss can lead to full remission, I pretty much acheived that after doing a challenge to swim 500 miles in a year. My weight went down from around 78 kilos to about 70 and my blood glucose levels went down to pre-diabetic levels. I was a vegetarian for several years before I was diagnosed.

  8. My portion size control during weekends is out of control so I have to off-set goodies such as chicken in tarragon cream sauce etc etc during the week when I try not to eat before noon or after 6pm’ish. Lunch perhaps those pre-made salads with added tuna/boiled eggs/chicken, a banana, cup-a-soup, supper mostly 2-3 fried or scrambled eggs with bacon or ham and I don’t get the munchies before going to bed but if I do get peckish I open a tin of sardines or mackerel. Sometimes during the week I notice my hands start shaking, that tells me I need to eat carbs so I usually boil some pasta.

    I listen to my body.

  9. The online link
    shows that the study :
    “…included 216,695 participants (81% females) from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), NHS II, and Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS). Red meat intakes were assessed with semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) every 2 to 4 y since the study baselines. We used multivariable-adjusted proportional hazards models to estimate the associations between red meats and T2D.”

    So all estimates and models drawn from a particular occupation. I cannot tell if cofounders like shift work, childbirth, menopause etc. were allowed for as access to the whole report is paywalled.

    Of course the media chose to ignore the limitations for the sake of an eye-catching headline – and one that fits in with the ‘plant food is good’ movement adopted by the New Puritans (motto: “If it’s fun it’s bad for you and the planet”

  10. I’m doomed, I had 4 rashers of bacon with my jacket potatoes and baked beans last night.

    Oh well.

      • It is quite highly processed but it doesn’t count because of reasons.

        In any case, how is how processed food is an indication of how healthy it is to eat? I suspect that the actual reason is that processing has often involved making the crappy leftovers from making proper food edible. Meaning that highly processed food would traditionally have contained poor quality ingredients.

  11. Don’t know about you, but I find that increasing my healthy plant protein intake tends to increase my greenhouse gas emissions, not reduce them.

    • Eggs! We keep chickens and they have been quite consistently productive lately. We are giving quite a few away to friends and neighbours but still eating a lot just now.

  12. Sod ’em, my Mrs (Greek, everyone who crosses the threshold has to be fed) shoves about 6 thick rashers of smoked from the butchers along with 3 or 4 large eggs on my plate when we have that type of dinner, plus Daddies sauce, yum, bloody lovely, also a nice bit of well salted crackling when we have a leg of pork, wonderful stuff, good real food is part and parcel of a life worth living.

    These tossers can stick their warnings where the sun doesn’t shine, going to enjoy the remaining years not live in fear and abject misery on insectoburgers hoping for an extra year or two, if you took a blind bit of notice of these people you’d die of despair.

    A quick anecdote on food, girlfiend of daughter used to bring her little lad aged 4/5 at the time when she visited, lovely little boy but according to the mum all he would eat was McDs and chips etc (she couldn’t cook a thing) and his head was always stuck in a gameboy…until that is my Mrs stuck a bloody great home cooked roast beef dinner in front of him…”he won’t eat that”, far from it the lad put it away like a starving man, gameboy forgotten the little chap loved nothing more than poking about with me in the garden or garage and messing about with cars.

    Self entitled experts can all sod off.

  13. Harvard University medical research, that well known purveyor of crap medical research. Just scrutinise their record.

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