Thick, or What?

Apparently, I’m not very bright.

Brexiteers have responded with fury to a new study claiming Britons who voted to leave the EU are less intelligent than those who voted to remain.

The largest of its kind, Understanding Society is a longitudinal UK household study with the aim of “capturing life in the UK in the 21st century”.

Academics at the University of Bath analysed 3,183 couples involved in the study, which recently added questions about how people voted in the 2016 referendum.

Among those surveyed for the research in the top 10 percent by a cognitive performance metric, 73 percent voted to remain in the EU. And in the bottom 10 percent by the same measure, only 40 percent did.

This is barrel scraping at its worst. They have tried every trick to smear those of us who voted to leave and this is the latest. Just as a matter of observation, I had a pretty decent education – something that I have continued throughout my life. Whenever I’ve done an IQ test, I have consistently scored in the hight 130s. Yet according to these people, I am stupid. On the contrary, I am wise enough to recognise a bad deal when I see one. I am bright enough to recognise that the Brussels bureaucracy is rotten to the core. I am bright enough to recognise that democracy works better the closer it is to the demos.

So, in fact, they are wrong. Nothing new there, then.


  1. Seem to remember some research at the time which suggested leave voters actually had a better understanding of how the EU works and is structured, in other words they were better informed.
    As for the research mentioned in your post – what do you expect from a uni next door to Bristol

  2. “Brexiteers have responded with fury…”

    Have they, really? I’m not furious, I find it laughable and pathetic. At least I know enough basic physics to know that you can’t save energy by forcing people to buy low powered kettles.

  3. Those self appointed brainiacs couldn’t get themselves injected fast enough with an untested treatment for a disease so deadly you needed a discredited test to even know you had it, and they thought a sheet of cheap material unable to stop a fart would prevent a deadly contagion spreading.

    And i’m supposed to be in awe of their superior intellect?

    Sometimes one face palm just isn’t enough.

  4. I think the same test should be re-run, on the same people, except it should measure selfishness and lack of patriotism instead 8f “intelligence”.

    You’re gonna get the same results.

  5. My favourite was being accused of hating Eastern Europeans.
    It was a joy to behold the face of many an accuser of this when i told them that I’m married to someone from Eastern Europe. They just couldn’t get their heads round it.

  6. People like me who chose to earn money rather than go to university escaped the lefty indoctrination and so liked to be able to chose our own politicians rather then have some faceless blobs foist the Mandys, Junkers and VD Leyen (sorry missus!) on me.

    • It’s not just about earning money Grist, it is also about contributing, via your labour. Whenever someone buys a sofa, a bed, a garden shed or any number of other similar manufactured goods, I contributed by servicing the industrial power tools and the plant machinery that was used to put it together. This is called earning an honest living, something which many uneducated people do and that many intellectuals don’t.

  7. 3,183 couples? That’s sooo relevant to a population of 67 million( growing by the unimpeded boatload daily ). There’s also the “first day of statistics” lecture which starts with “the answers you get depend on the questions you ask”

  8. Even within the context of raging, hate filled, masturbatory aid rejoiniac cope, I really fail to see the point of this “research”.

  9. Who gives a flying phuq what a bunch of losers thinks?

    Fantasies about being “The Better Team” or even “Better People” don’t matter. What mattered was winning 50% +1 of the votes in the 2016 Referendum.

    A bit like the Democrats when they whine about Killery “Winning the Popular vote” in the 2016 US POTUS Election.

    It’s what makes the win that matters, nothing else.

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