No Contest

So, apparently, Al Beeb has decided that the idea of white privilege is contested.

The BBC has admitted that the concept of “white privilege” is contested after its youth-focused news service received a complaint over its “controversial” definition of the term.

An article dedicated to teaching children about the concept, which includes sections defining the term and explaining how people can “use white privilege for good”, was branded as politically partisan by campaigners.

Now the article, originally published in 2020, has been signposted with a link to a new explainer that “examines arguments about the concept’s use” and admits it is a “contested area”.

It comes after the campaign group Don’t Divide Us, which seeks to promote a “common sense” approach to race, complained to the broadcaster.

The group’s director said that they were “pleased” with the addition but added that the original content should not remain on the Newsround site where children can read the “divisive” resource.

It’s a mealy mouthed response, such as you would expect a recalcitrant schoolchild to make when caught out doing something wrong. There is nothing to contest regarding white privilege, because no such thing exists. It is a made up, bullshit term used by racists and their hangers-on to demonise a whole group of people based on their skin colour. In other words, it is an entirely racist construct.


  1. There isn’t any white privilege but oh boy am I glad I’m white, because following all this race baiting woke discussion on privileges and raycism, I must have won the lottery of life.

    • You might not have noticed but “white supremacy” is based upon the blindingly obvious fact that the Caucasian “race” IS supreme. It is supreme in science, art, architecture, literature, philosophy and any other sphere of human intellectual endeavour.

      • The truth is racist, obviously

        I called it first. After maths being racist, and time, and science, all that’s left is the truth. Won’t be long before some grifter makes the claim. MeGain Markel was almost there with “her truth” but I’m waiting with bated breath for all truth being racist/white supremacist

      • We’re pretty damned good at death and destruction, and disposing of others too, when that intellect is turned to the dark side.

        Those of dusky hue seem pretty determined to find this out.

        It is a basic tenet of military thought to base your planning, not on what your enemy might do, but what he could do.

        What can they really do, from the little gaza tips they imagine are the nucleus of some new caliphate. What could we do if we really wanted to?

        It probably wouldn’t be me doing it, but I hardly feel inclined to raise a voice against those who would.

        They’re the ones who consider themselves at war. Do they think it will always be so totally one sided?

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