Mr Brunt has angered the ramblers, which tends to make me like him a bit.
A millionaire farmer who sparked national outrage when he put up a 300ft metal fence in the middle of a beautiful ancient meadow has told walkers ‘they bring it on themselves’.
Defiant landowner Alun Brunt, 73, said Somerset’s Iron Wall would not be coming down any time soon because it ‘does the job’ in Rodden Meadow, Frome.
Nature activists slammed him as selfish for closing off the field to the wider public almost a decade ago but this week Mr Brunt was adamant he had done the right thing.
They criticised him for turning a ‘beautiful park into something resembling East Germany’.
Yet Mr Brunt told MailOnline: ‘They make it bad for themselves. They think they can do what they can on your land.’
He has a point. Many, many years ago, a friend lived in a house where the driveway was a part of a footpath. We would be in his garage working on bikes when people would just wander up and take a good look at what we were doing. That they were walking on private land poking about in someone else’s business didn’t seem to bother them.
You could argue that if you have a property that is on a footpath, then that comes with the territory, which is what my friend’s family accepted. Personally, it would piss me off and I wouldn’t buy a place that allowed complete strangers to walk in my garden, but that’s just me – I’m an antisocial bugger.
Mr Brunt does have a point here.
‘People were using [the meadow] as a 30-acre footpath – riding motorbikes, dogs, everything was out there.
‘I thought, ”I’ve got to restrict the people to the footpath.”
‘They wouldn’t want me to walk on their gardens and lawns would they?
‘I bought the field and if I wanted to put cattle out there, I couldn’t because there were so many dogs out there.
‘It had to be under control.’
Mr Brunt said since the fence went up he has used the field for cattle and to make hay for horses.
He added: ‘We don’t want dog poo in hay.
‘A footpath is not a green space. That’s why I did it.
‘You speak to a lot of landowners with a footpath through their fields and it’s a big problem.’
Quite so. If a path crosses arable or grazing land, then that should be respected, but all too often isn’t, hence the friction between landowners and the right to roam crowd.
Right to Roam’s Jon Moses told MailOnline that Mr Brunt had turned ‘a beautiful park into something resembling East Germany‘.
He said: ‘People in Frome were using the field beyond the footpath for many years.
‘It’s his property but that’s not the same as exclusivity.
Actually, that is precisely what it is. That is what property rights means. Brunt has to allow people to use the footpath. He does not have to allow them to ruin his grazing land or trample all over his hay. His solution is a perfectly reasonable compromise. If Moses thinks differently, he can always put in an offer to buy the land? No? well too bad, you just have to live with the fence, then.
It is a great shame that it has come to this.
It used to be that if you were using a Public Footpath you understood that you were walking over somebody else’s land. You, your children, and your dog stayed on the footpath.
The crops and grass either side of the footpath were the livelihood of the farming owner/tenant.
And if you opened a gate to pass through you made doubly sure it was shut behind you.
Just thinking of happy days in Herts with my sprogs. Nothing to beat those walks. Corn as high as my young daughter’s eye.
Now I do not understand why dog poo is carefully bagged, but then the festering have are thrown into bush branches. Maybe some pagan custom?
Happy days.
As a keen rambler, a connoisseur of public footpaths, I keep to the path, never ogle around me when the path crosses a farm or some other private area, but when aggressive dogs are placed on purpose to deter walkers, I just want to slash their and their owners throats and burn the fucking place down, then go after their friends and family. That’s just the way I am.
I like to walk as well. I always stick to footpaths, close gates behind me and keep away from crops and livestock.
@LR, Doonhamer
+1 The evil Blair creature deliberatly empowered activists to create division in society. All part of Frankfurt School plan. Blairite “Conservatives” have increased this destruction of UK
“It’s his property but that’s not the same as exclusivity.”
I wonder what Moses would think if I parked my car on his front drive?
He would be suitably outraged, with not a hint of self-awareness. After all, what he means is other people should allow access.
An article on the subject