I don’t watch so-called reality television because it is cheap, nasty and downright dire. I’ve got better things to do. I was suspicious of Nigel Farage dipping his toe in by going on I’m A Celebrity. That said, in retrospect, it was probably a canny move as it introduced him to many people who knew little about him or his beliefs, knowing only the caricature paraded in the mainstream media.
It appears that his ruse might have worked.
This might not be the vote leave plea Nigel Farage had in mind… But some MPs furious the Brexit fan is even in the jungle are urging viewers to kick him out, claiming his affable man of the people act masks a sinister side.
With voting for evictions on the show set to open, they recalled Farage’s anti-migrant “breaking point” poster during his 2016 Brexit campaign showing queues of desperate refugees.
Labour’s Nadia Whittome said: “ITV should never have given him a platform to launder his reputation and I would urge anyone considering voting to keep him on to think twice. From the racist undertones of his Brexit campaigning, to the climate denialism he’s pushed, Farage is not some affable clown but a poisonous influence on our society.”
They don’t like it up ’em, do they? What people are seeing is Farage having discussions and putting across his point of view. The only poisonous ones coming from those who would silence him. It would be nice if those who vote on these things give Whittome a massive two-finger salute.
Fellow MP Kim Johnson added: “People should remember where Farage came from, what he’s said and what he’s been responsible for. It was him who helped peddle that racist narrative. In 2016, we saw a hike in race hate crime as a result.* The fact he’s reportedly been paid £1.5million is just atrocious. Kick him out of there so he doesn’t get airtime.”
That’s what they are worried about. That people will hear what he has to say without the usual filters applied by the press and scum like Johnson. Johnson is peddling the usual fallacies that we come to expect from the limited intellect displayed by the modern politician, in that he is conflating two separate unrelated issues with no evidence of a causal link. He’s dimmer than a 40 watt lightbulb. That or he is being deliberate disingenuous. Either way, it doesn’t look good.
Lib Dem MP Munira Wilson said: “He’s gone from not being elected to Parliament, to not being elected for Bushtucker trials. The stench of his personal failure has followed him into the jungle. Voters have rejected him before and I am sure that they will again.”
Failure? This man has pretty much singlehandedly brought us to the point where we were able to rid ourselves of the poisonous EU. Farage is responsible for that referendum. If that is his only success in life, it is one more than Munira Wilson has achieved and a much more significant one, at that. Farage may be many things, but a failure isn’t one of them. It is precisely because he is a success that we are seeing so much salt from these second rate parasites. More of it, please.
*It’s worth bearing in mind that this is bullshit. The rise in race hate crime was down to one or two self reported incidents amplified by hate group Hope not Hate, so hardly unbiased evidence here.
I don’t watch most reality TV. I won’t be voting in I’m A Celebrity.
But I might vote for Farage’s Reform. It’s becoming a truism that whoever the Left dislikes is almost certainly worth liking. If only the Left could master the stiletto of faint praise they might get some traction. But no, everything has to be an absolute battle against unspeakable evil, even if it is only about something trivial.
He’s coming across very well so the Lefties are up in arms. He doesn’t screech and smash things like the “liberal” scum do when they don’t get their own way.
He’s a hero for getting us out of the EUSSR.
“ITV should never have given him a platform…”
Interesting that the left are terrified of the general public hearing what he has to say. We, on the other hand, love it when the left get to spout their nonsense in public, they tend to make our case for us.
One distinguishing characteristic of Mr Farage, compared to other politicians, is that he answers the questions asked; he does not waffle, flim-flam or otherwise evade the question. He answers it.
I’d vote for him. Then again, I’ve got to the point where I’d vote for Vlad the Impaler, rather than any of the other scum.
“People should remember where Farage came from”
What, a prosperous job in the City where he could have quietly made a decent living instead of being subjected to ignorant insults from the likes of whoever the hell Kim Johnson is?
But yeah, it’s a canny move. Popular wisdom is that “social media” has become the modern-day public square, where public figures can engage with the public directly. But it’s full of bots and sockpuppets. It can still be useful for like-minded people to come together and recognise that no, it’s not just you, but for active politicians, at best they only end up preaching to the converted. And it’s just as subject to the editorial knife as the legacy press anyway, as we’ve seen.
Nigel has recognized, as Ed “Talking” Balls did before him, that telly still has its place for reaching the politically-disengaged masses. If you avoid the News and Current Affairs departments.
It should be spelled Kim Jon Son.