
We are often regaled with claptrap about the ‘far right’ – never the far left, mind, it’s always the right. By whom? By people who regard themselves as centrists, as reasonable people, as the adults in the room. Gareth Roberts discusses this phenomenon over at Spiked-Online.

Centrism is the wrong term for this blight. It conjures up images of quiet background competence. But this is not the case with these people. They aren’t responsible, ordinary, sensible or anywhere near the centre. They are all mental. The things they believe in are bonkers. They seem reasonable only because they are well-spoken and dress boringly, seasonal knitwear excepted.

But they are very often brimful with potty conspiracy theories and harebrained schemes – barking-mad ideas that from sheer repetition we have become inured to. Just take Net Zero, uncontrolled mass immigration, some women have cocks, some blokes are lesbians, shutting down the economy and then blaming everything except shutting down the economy when the economy tanks.

It’s worth reading in full. These people think they are clever, yet are the epitome of what Dunning and Kruger uncovered thirty years ago. People so full of confidence in their abject incompetence and making a mess of everything they touch with their reverse Midas effect. People who can’t change their underwear without inhaling a sock. People who really do have the level of hubris that makes them think they can fix the planet. Maybe they should start with more modest goals, such as fixing the potholes in the road?

This is the centre? Of where, Nutsville?

Indeed. The lunatics really have taken over the asylum. We are doomed. Doomed, I tell you.


  1. It’s noticeable that they’re always featured and encouraged by the msm. This may not be because they are right but because they shout the loudest and the msm will never pass up a few effortless column inches. Needless to say the Bollox Broadcasting Company has an endless supply of them available at short notice.

  2. Should Trump win the Presidency, or Farage be elected as an MP, or Marine Le Pen win the French Presidency, it’s going to ‘do their head in’.


    • Oh yes. I really do hope that the Donald is elected US President again next November. The left will go completely mad with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It will be wonderful to behold.

  3. It’s become pretty obvious over the last few years that “centrism” doesn’t mean what it appears to mean: i.e., navigating a course between the two extremes. It means pushing lunatic extremism towards the centre, pretending that it’s all perfectly normal and unobjectionable (“mainstreaming”), and presenting the measures arising from it as a fait accompli. (See, for example, the BBC unilaterally declaring the debate over the atmospheric-forcing climate hypothesis to be “over” and suspending its rules on impartiality.)

    “It is a very Brandrethian, very Dictionary Corner revolution.”

    I think of it more as the Blue Peter revolution, all Head Girls and collecting milk bottle tops for the starving Africans. Or was it Indians? Anyway, it was really jolly important.

    • “All Head Girls and collecting milk bottle tops for the starving Africans.”

      Isn’t that kind of thing frowned upon by lefties these days? It’s all that ‘white saviour’ stuff, isn’t it?

      • Oh, probably. But they still do it. They just flatter themselves that moping about “climate refugees” and whatnot is different.

  4. Isn’t it fun being accused of being far right by idiots who are marching behind banners saying from the river to the sea? I’m being called far right by people who are quite literally nazis.

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