Batman and Robin Dies

So Mrs Batmanandrobin is dead.

Hailed as ‘an endless source of inspiration’ following her death on New Year’s Day aged 61, the final years of Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh were nonetheless dogged by a series of scandals that clouded her legacy.

In an obituary on her website, the Iranian-Belgian justice campaigner’s family said her health declined amid these ‘legal battles’, explaining that a condition in her childhood had left her immunocompromised.

Although no criminal activity was uncovered, her charity exposed just why the third sector should never be given taxpayers’ money. There is a lack of accountability – the government just hands over the moohlah without paying too much attention to how it is being used. No charity whatsoever should have access to our money. If they can’t get enough by rattling tins, then they go under, which is how it should be.

So, in a strange way, Camila Batmanghelidjh did us a favour. No one can be in any doubt now about why the charity sector is utterly unsuitable for public funding.


  1. The fix was in, she was never going to be found guilty. The gushing eulogies will be sickening over the next few days as the usual suspects will rush to be the most political correct.

  2. Her wardrobe should make a fortune for the right (on?) causes at an auction attended by all those stinking rich socialists – just to confirm their credentials with fellow stinking rich socialists. Enough to construct a big-top.
    Her funeral will be a big one.

  3. The fact that they couldn’t pin anything on her despite the fact that she was clearly stealing the charity’s money says it all really. Setting up a fake charity and filling your own pockets with government funding isn’t a crime.

    • Yep – our esteemed host misspelled Robbing in the title of the post.

      But she’s of the severely suntanned complexion, hence one of the untouchables, so nothing will be investigated or be allowed to come to light about her activities and sources of income.

  4. But the purpose of charities is to allow politicians to demonstrate their patronage (with our money) or give the top jobs to their mates. Helping people with issues is well down the list of priorities of charities, so efficient spending and accounting is rarely called upon.

    As a rule I don’t support national charities, but I do support some local ones I have seen in action – and they are too small to show up on the elites’ patronage radar.

    • Inhaled a sausage roll apparently.

      And btw, she was beautiful and healthy. And not a criminal at all.

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