You may have noticed the court case that is now engulfing the Michela school. Long story short, this school has a significant Muslim cohort. The school is not a religious establishment, yet the Muslim population is now pushing to have its own mores established, The praying at lunchtime in the playground became an organised act of rebellion, so Ms Birbalsingh called a halt to it. Hence the case for discrimination.
This is fairly typical of how Muslims chip away at the armour, looking for a weak spot to exploit and using lawfare (paid for by us, the taxpayers) to further their aims of establishing religious superiority over the host.
This has been discussed over at Timmy’s and I leave a copy of one of my comments here – as I’ve had some experience lately of dealing with Muslim immigrants who want training because they got themselves a job delivering pizzas.
So, I recently had some first-hand experience of this praying thing. I was running a CBT (compulsory basic training) motorcycle course a few weeks back with another trainer. At the end of the half-hour lunch break we were preparing to go out on the road for the road ride element of the course. At this point, one student springs the ‘I need to go to the mosque to pray’ schtick.
Set aside, for a moment, that he could, if he had so desired, found somewhere quiet during the lunch break, he now wanted time out to go to the local mosque. This would have been the best part of half an hour to get there and again getting back and the time spent praying. In the meantime, his allotted trainer and the other student were supposed to do what? Twiddle their thumbs? Or, they could have taken a diversion out to the mosque and again, the trainer and other student would be expected to wait outside while he indulged. Either way, it would have disrupted the course.
What he got was a firm refusal. We both advised him that he was more than welcome to go to the mosque, but his training for the day would be terminated and if he wished to continue he could rebook at a later date.
Oddly enough, going to the mosque lost its importance. Any attempt to push the envelope needs to be firmly resisted.
In this case, ‘no’ was accepted and no more was said, but I find myself wondering if it will happen again and if, eventually, ‘no’ will be followed up with complaints of discrimination and threats of legal action.
“This is fairly typical of how Muslims chip away at the armour, looking for a weak spot to exploit and using lawfare (paid for by us, the taxpayers) to further their aims of establishing religious superiority over the host.”
Or perhaps . . .
This is fairly typical of how self-promoting minorities – see LBGTABCD, woketards, illegals, etc – chip away at the armour, looking for a weak spot to exploit and using lawfare (paid for by us, the taxpayers) to further their aims of establishing superiority over the majority.
Need to go to the mosque? No problem, off you fuck.
We were more polite – given that we were in a professional capacity – but yes, that was pretty much it.
Miss Birbalsingh is a noted and quite respected Head. She is also known for not being overfond of fools and those who think run her School. I think this is a deliberate attempt to spread the malevolent influence of a very specific group who have no interest in joining Our society.
That’s exactly what it is.
I do find it strange that when Mrs Grist and I have visited Muslim countries, when she has been told to don a scarf or we have both been told to remove our shoes we’ve both had the attitude “Your place, your rules”. Evidently, this is just a British thing and what we should have done is blow something up or slit somebody’s throat in true native style…
Those people are aided and abetted by a weak judiciary and political class. It would have been easy to nip that crap in the bud years ago.