Cry Me A River

The poor little diddums is scared.

Match of the Day star Gary Lineker has revealed he has been hit with threats after retweeting a post surrounding Israeli sports ban.

Likely as not, just some people letting off steam in the Interwebs. Not nice, but harmless. However, my sympathy is limited zero. We have had this obnoxious tosspot spouting off incessantly recently, (while taking his fat salary extorted from ordinary people) blatantly pushing the limits of BBC impartiality rules like a petulant child who has been told ‘no’. He chose to play this game and he must now face the consequences. One of those being that an awful lot of people who my have been neutral now despise him and rightly so. That’s the thing about free speech – people get to push back. Obviously this doesn’t include actual threats of violence, but as the threats haven’t been made public, we can only speculate. My own speculation being that it’s just the usual trolling that is rife on the web and he is being an over sensitive luvvie.

As an aside, if he is a star, then that bar is incredibly low.


  1. He’s probably made it up. He has form for lying, attempting to garner sympathy as a victim, when he claimed he had been the ‘victim’ of racists as a kid, because they thought he was black.



  2. After his last spat with the BBC he know thinks he’s untouchable. Unfortunately for him he has his bosses running scared but not the general public. Welcome to the real word Gary where people have different opinions to yours.

  3. To paraphrase Gabriela Mistral, Madwomen: Poems of Gabriela Mistral:
    Social media gives, like twin flowers, power and ruin, memory and oblivion.

    Just as you should never write an angry letter or email, you should never write or uptick an angry tweet. But writing a letter takes time, writing an email is a little quicker, and obviously, responding to a tweet happens without any thought at all.

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