We have the Church of England here:
I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender.
So yes, let’s have anti whiteness, & let’s smash the patriarchy.
That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression.— Miranda Threlfall-Holmes (@MirandaTHolmes) March 21, 2024
Bollocks. Bollocks on stilts. Gold plated, diamond encrusted bollocks on stilts. Yes, it is racism. No it is not anti oppression, it is the very definition of doing the thing you claim to be against. Miranda Threlfall-Holmes is the textbook example of a racist. And, no, it is not okay.
Mark Dolan takes a similar view:
“let’s have anti-whiteness … that’s not anti-white”.
The mental gymnastics is a thing to behold.
If whitey is oppressing all those non white people, why are there so many illegally crossing the English Channel? It seems as though they can’t get enough of being oppressed. As for the patriarcy that is just a figment of her imagination. I wonder how many women would be volunteering to climb underneath a digger on a freezing cold and muddy building site if there were no men to do it?
Pretty much all of the physically demanding, dangerous jobs are done by blue collar men – usually white men, but, yeah, patriarchy and all that.
The CofE has been an irrelevance for decades now anyway.
This woman is a parody of what she pretends to be. What pretentious nonsense she is spouting.