You Know What?

I don’t really care.

French police funded by the UK government have endangered the lives of vulnerable migrants by intercepting small boats in the Channel, using tactics that search and rescue experts say could cause a “mass casualty event”.

Shocking new evidence obtained by the Observer, Lighthouse Reports, Le Monde and Der Spiegel reveals for the first time that the French maritime police have tried physically to force small boats to turn around – manoeuvres known as “pullbacks” – in an attempt to prevent them reaching British shores.

Firstly, so they should. It’s what we have been paying them for, after all. Secondly, these people are trying to enter this country illegally. They are criminals and invaders. Using force to repel invaders is perfectly rational. Also, we have had to endure this invasion for so long now, if a few of them drown, my response is ‘meh.’ I suspect that I am not alone. No, I have not lost my humanity, but go back to my original statement. These people are trying to invade. There was a time when invaders would be pushed back into the sea, stained by their blood.

If they want to come here, they can go through the legal channels and try their luck, but as they have chosen to fund a criminal enterprise to get here and become a burden on the people who were born here and pay taxes here, well, yeh, meh.


  1. i feel the same, my wife has been here over thirty years now and when she came from abroad we went through all the expense and hassle of doing it legally. i personnaly think uk got the best deal as our two children are a doctor and a teacher

    • Good for you. And I am sure that you and your missus were a better asset for UK than they average native. You have every reason to be proud.

  2. Also, why is it our fault that their home country is a craphole where nobody wants to live?

  3. They can’t keep blaming colonialism for ever. In any case, it looks as though most of these countries would be better off now if colonialism hadn’t ended. Rhodesia was one of the most prosperous countries in Africa, Zimbabwe rather less so. There was colonialism in the Far East too, how are those ex colonies faring these days?

  4. Just stick a knitting needle into the inflatables as they wait on the shore, French side.
    Maybe the UK government’s could “fund” a few dozen Madame Defarges to spread themselves out along the beach. Cheaper than any other cunning plan.

  5. The truth is, and it’s an unpleasant truth, that this flood of illegal immigration across the Channel hasn’t been stopped because our rulers don’t want it to be stopped.
    When you remember how quickly they locked us down you understand what powers they’ve got, if they want to use them.
    Now, the reasons why they are happy for this illegal immigration to continue are complex. But the clear evidence is that they ARE content for it to continue and do NOT want to stop it.

  6. We should just sink the bastards. No ifs, no buts Just a drone and a brimstone missile. This trafficking would end the next day.

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