He is Correct

Elon Musk eviscerates Cur Kier Stalin.

Billionaire Elon Musk has now hit out at Britain’s police as he replied to a highly offensive cartoon on so-called ‘two tier policing’ and said ‘it does seem one-sided’.

The owner of X, formerly Twitter, is at the centre of a war of words with government after he used his platform to make a series of inflammatory claims over race riots seen on the streets of Britain in recent days.

Sir Keir Starmer and Downing Street yesterday hit out at the billionaire for suggesting ‘civil war is inevitable’ following days of rioting fuelled by disinformation on social media after the deaths of three little girls in Southport last week.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman said there was ‘no justification for comments like that’ – as his technology minister met with representatives from social networks, including X, to urge them to act on fighting online hate.

There is every justification. Anyone with eyes and ears can see the disparity in response between the BLM riots and what is happening now. The constant onslaught against the white working classes who are deemed to be racist, while the real racists are in the establishment. The term Two Tier Kier is sticking because it is true. Must is right here and good for him for speaking out.

Starmer is scum. He has no mandate to govern. The minority who voted for him are not representative of the whole and now the frog has become tired of being boiled. The more difficult this becomes for him, the better. Maybe it will lead to a change. Maybe it will see him ousted. One can hope.

As for the ‘offensive’ cartoon, all I see is a meme that reflects the reality. So, I guess it is offensive to the scumbags who are being satirised.

So-called ‘two tier policing’ is a claim often used by the far-right in a bid to stir up racial hatred, and implies that police treat certain groups of people in different ways.

It’s not so-called, it is an objective reality. Police officers kneeling for BLM rioters and taking a light touch with JSO, but batons for white English people. FFS! Even the blatantly biased news organisations can’t disguise it in their footage. And we are not far right. Pointing out the obvious disparity is not stirring up racial hatred, it is observing it.


  1. And don’t forget Jess Phillips reacting to the scenes of roaming armed Muslims by claiming they are ‘protecting their homes from white racists’ even as they make threatening gestures to a reporter.

    No wonder they want Twitter removed as an option for free speech.

  2. Labour work by ‘representing’ their client’s interests. But their clients are abandoned after all the ‘political juice’ has been extracted. So the Working Man has been dropped. the Jews have been dropped. Feminists have been dropped, the Gays have been dropped. Muslims and the Trans are in the process of being dropped. But Labours political machine never admits that client groups have been dropped. So ranting about the fantasy Far Right and two tier policing helps hide the hollowness of Labour support.

    My guess is that ‘public servants’ are becoming the new client group – so any violent groups attacking schools or hospitals are going to find themselves no longer excused.

    • “Muslims and the Trans are in the process of being dropped”

      Please explain further, I can’t see any evidence of this happening.

      • The Cass Report and the reduction in ‘authority’ of Stonewall are signs that Trans has lost ground. The defenestration of Corbyn started the decline of support for Muslim Terrorists, but Labour are still struggling to extract the last political juice from Muslims… but accusations of two tier policing and the formation of new Muslim political parties are likely to see Labour seeking new clients. In my opinion, YMMV.

      • The “Independent” MP’s are really Muslim MP’s, they just can’t call themselves that yet because their aren’t enough of them and they would fall foul of the electoral regulator.

        Make no mistake though, they are pulling away from Labour and as the power and momentum of these Muslim MP’s increases, their political and electoral value to Labour decreases.

        Labour will still pander to them for a while, but the tide has definitely turned in this Parliament.

  3. “Even the blatantly biased news organisations can’t disguise it in their footage”

    They give it a damn good go though.

  4. Funny how they are finding 500 prison places when before the prisons were full. At the BLM riots there was lots of looting going on but haven’t heard this happening now. Violence shouldn’t take place but I can understand the protests. We have enough of our own criminals, we don’t need to import more.
    Just wait till the retired end up protesting against paying tax and loosing benefits, the police won’t stand a chance against angry pensioners with walking sticks!!!!

    • Funny how they are finding 500 prison places when before the prisons were full.

      It plays to their audience. They’ll just release more immigrants and rapists and then when the inevitable headlines of “Boat migrant rapist released early rapes again” happens they will blame the Tories and the mythical “Far Right”.

      You and I are the “Far Right” as far as they are concerned, regardless of how socially liberal and fiscally conservative you are. In their minds you might as well be wearing an SS uniform.

  5. This is not the country it was a fortnight ago, and it’s not going back to what it was.

    The anger of the overwhelming majority is real, and for many of us, it’s visceral.

    Starmer and his zoo have openly declared themselves dhimmi whores and have made it clear that their function is to formalise this country as a theme park for islamofilth.

    This isn’t going to happen, but such is the arrogance and entitlement of said filth, matched by the determination of their whores to spite native British people, that I am genuinely starting to fear for the future of this country.

    Oh, I’m sure it will still be here in 50 years (which will be long after I’m gone) but it will be a nastier, crueller place. Possibly a lot nastier and crueller.

    This may well be true for all western countries with too large population of these creatures.

    And (yes, I know I’m starting to sound like Heydrich!) let us never forget that what they are saying to ALL Muslims is that they cannot be British. They can only be wannabe afghan warlords or the chattels and property of same.

    I do know a muslim or two who REALLY do not want to live in a cold, damp pakistan. They really don’t know what to do.

    To the islamofilth, make the most of it. It might not last as long as you think!

  6. In some democracies, after increasing riots on the streets with ever-growing damage and injuries, the autocratic Prime Minister resigns and immediately leaves the country. OK, that was Bangladesh, but maybe it shows the way to the Old World.

    • You notice that the ousted Prime Minister of Bangladesh turned up in London.

      Her niece is (of course), Labour MP and Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Tulip Siddiq.

      Lucky for her she managed to cling onto power until after Labour won the election. The UK being the ideal retirement home for ousted dictators and oligarchs.

  7. At the risk of inviting controversy l have to say that most of the Muslims l met as a nurse were pretty decent people. That was about 20 years ago though and a different generation to the ones we see causing so many problems today, they also didn’t have aggressive and hostile foreign Immams and community leaders inciting them either.
    Guess we will have the opportunity to see how genuine Kweer Stalin is from his reaction to the Pakistani yobs and thugs that went on the rampage around Birmingham last night.
    Won’t be holding my breath.

    • I think the age thing has a lot to do with it.

      40 odd years ago, in my first year at university I shared a room with a guy who was a really rather hard line trot (he didn’t take Thatcher winning in 1979 very well!)

      His politics and mine could hardly have been further apart, but we did have a gentleman’s agreement not to argue politics (each was free to comment as loudly as desired, but we just didn’t waste our time actually arguing).

      Off politics, he was great and we got on very well.

      I haven’t seen him for the thick end of 40 years and I’ve wondered where he ended up, but I don’t imagine he’s still a trot.

      I am a bit of a WW2, military history in particular nerd and I’ve always had a fascination about the rise of the Reich. How a country as sophisticated, educated and cultured as Germany could do the things it did.


      Long, but well worth a watch. A channel I like (not a political channel at all, and I was rather surprised to see this video uploaded). Interesting take.

      • I was up in the North East weekend just gone.
        Bumped into a lovely little old lady I kind of know, lives just up the road from a relative. Sweet old dear, always asking about the family, offers tea and biscuits. Never talks about politics.
        We got talking about the goings on with the riots and Southport stabbings.

        I’ve never seen such anger.
        Real, red faced anger.

        As is often said at Worst all’s place, the dictator rules at the whim of the mother of the guard at the palace gate.
        It’s how I know these protests and troubles aren’t going away. The mothers and grandmothers of the country have had enough. There were stories in the press of women being at the riots, egging on the men.
        The dam has broken. Murdering girls at a dance group seems to have been the last straw. Things will change, one way or another.

        • I think you’re right.

          The frog has been boiling for years, more likely decades and British people have finally kicked off. In Southport itself, with remarkable restraint considering what actually happened (the targeted murder and maiming of children, which has already been vaporised by the lack of thought police).

          The hysterical, one sided, totally over the top reaction has probably tipped millions over from 90% certain to 100%.

          Like that shitty job you’ve had for years, knowing it’s shite and you’re going nowhere. Taken totally for granted, piss poor pay etc etc.

          Then one day, something that’s happened many times before happens again. This time you say, “enough”

  8. The thing that I have found about left leaning people, and I know some personally, is that their entire world view seems to be based on pretending things are other than what they actually are. Thus Tories are right wing even though they agree with Labour on just about everything but are just slightly less extreme. Illegal immigrants are refugees or asylum seekers despite not remotely meeting the criteria to be either. Two tier policing, which is obvious and self evident, is so called and just the far right spreading disinformation. The Palestinians are the good guys and Israel, who have gone way above and beyond to try to prevent harm to civilians while going after Hamas, are committing genocide. Windmills and solar panels are practical energy solutions and are cheaper than fossil fuels. The list is endless, I’m sure that other people can come up with plenty of other examples. They live in a world of delusion and vilify anyone who points out any truth that contradicts their fantasies.

    • I forgot to mention how hate figures such as Donald Trump and Tommy Robinson are built up into evil charactatures of who they actually are. Anything that they say is rewritten so that they say what they would have said if they were the monsters that they are being made out to be.

  9. Planet Earth is now an arrid desert that is devastated by floods. Grain production is threatened and the decades long upward trend will be reversed any minute now. Hydraulic fracking for gas is evil but open cast lithium mines staffed by slave children are fine and dandy.

  10. I observe a campaign by the powers that be against ‘social media’. They want to stop people communicating outside of their control.

    The Gordon riots of 1780 were managed by word of mouth. The issue was how to treat people who maybe didn;t have total loyalty to Britain. No social media required. We will always manage to comunicate.

  11. Cur Kier. The “c” being soft as in “cynical”. Nice. https://media.tenor.com/h-ixh8KrE1wAAAAM/nice.gif
    Surkier, meet Ms. Steisand. She has an effect.
    Who does he think he is speaking to?
    He better have his sinecure all set up in the Blair Foundation because he is toast. The biggest most useless tool that his father ever produced.
    And he , a smooth talking lawyer, can’t even come out and say this himself. He sends his “spokesman” (some gender being assumed there!) to spout. Presumably so that Cur Slithey Tove can quite truthfully later claim that he never uttered these words.
    End of rant. But not of the anger.

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