
Young children are being indoctrinated by the far right, apparently. I call bullshit.

Children as young as nine are being radicalised by their far-right relatives, a reformed neo-Nazi has warned.

Yup, bullshit. Children are being indoctrinated, that much is true. They are being pumped full of toxic propaganda in schools to believe that the world is about to burn into cinders, they are taught that normal, reasonable decent thoughts and opinions are now far-right – as this insidious piece of agitprop shows us. The far right are minuscule. Sure, they exist, but their ability to form and organise on the scale being suggested is just not possible. What has happened is the backlash to the untrammelled immigration into this country with the resultant ghettos, third world cultural preferences, mass rape of children and murders has finally erupted.

Those who did actually cross the line into rioting were relatively few and certainly not organised on the scale of the SWP organised so-called anti-racist gatherings in response. And, of course, we have Asian gangs – okay, predominately Pakistani – roaming the streets of Birmingham tooled up, threatening anyone who is white – including journalists – and this is okay because the police have liaised with ‘community leaders’ and are sympathetic with their fears.

The far right is a bogeyman that doesn’t exist. Far right views are those of decent people who have looked at what has been happening and are appalled by it. The natural anger following the grooming gangs and the establishment’s reluctance to deal with it as swiftly as they have dealt with a few louts who went on a rampage this past couple of weeks, exposes an obvious double standard. I understand that Cur Kier doesn’t like being called two-tier. Yet he is presiding over a two-tier approach to policing that is so obvious, even the normally politically unaware are seeing it. Pissing down our backs and telling us it is raining isn’t working. Indeed, it is good to see the two-tier moniker sticking. It is a name that will follow him like a bad smell and will be what people remember in time when they look back on this period.

The man is unsuitable for any form of leadership role. This much was evident from his time as DPP. Yet someone without any talent for the role has risen through the mountain of ordure that is the modern political landscape to hold the highest office in the land (this is presumably because no decent person would wish to soil their hands mixing in such company). A man so inept, so thoroughly nasty, that he makes his predecessor look good in comparison. All he has are his lapdogs in the media to smear us all as far right and a compliant, politicalised police force that is more than happy to operate a two tier approach, not worrying that we can see it for what it is. He has nothing else. No strategy, no imagination, no original thought, just screaming ‘far right’ and clamping down on free speech in case anyone calls him out for the two faced charlatan that he is.

Yes, propaganda does exist, but how four men in a Vauxhall Corsa have managed to instil a whole country with fear is beyond me, when the establishment has been propagandising generation after generation with far left extremism, of which our government, establishment, media and police are a part.

As an addendum, even the picture used to illustrate the article is a lie. Two kids pointing upwards. Given the cropping, we don’t know at what. No, we are supposed to assume they are giving Nazi salutes. They very clearly are not.


  1. There is a large 2 page spread in the Sunday Telegraph with pictures of so-called anti-racism activists holding placards carefully produced by Socialist Worker. Funny, but I can’t find a single mention of the far-left in the accompanying articles.

  2. Sometimes I wonder whether there isn’t a bit of quiet resistance going on among journalists. Obviously they are not actually allowed to say anything – especially anything detrimental – about the SWP in the articles. However, by “letting through” a picture that shows them, they sometimes manage to report on the matter anyway. Same thing happened with the George Floyd riots in the USA; the text always said “mostly peaceful” but the well-known image shows a huge fire burning. If so, more power to them (and I hope none of their editors reads this).

  3. Short of pissing on the graves of those dead children and rubbing shit into the wounds of those still in intensive care, it really is difficult to see how they could inflame the situation further.

    I’d be very interested to hear what is being said within local labour parties up and down the country, particularly in the red wall.

    I wonder if any labour seat is now safe.

    2019, biggest labour defeat since 1935; 2024, biggest tory defeat since (I believe) 1764.

    2029? (If they get that far!)

    It’s not difficult to imagine them replacing der sturmer (yes, the process is designed to make this difficult and time consuming), but even those as incomprehensibly stupid as rayner and lammy must see the impossible task faced by any successor.

    They don’t need to just lose what they need a special hell were they will suffer and still be suffering when the last proton decays.

  4. Why ‘as young as nine’? Are eight-year-olds exempt? Is there a listing by age? Indeed, are there any examples or any proof? Fake news, punishable for stirring up hatred, lock them up.

  5. Riffing off an earlier Musk post, the Labour government think they are the Rebel Alliance. They are not, they are the Evil Empire.

    Are we the baddies? YES.

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