Bugger Off!

You can take your experts and stick them where the sun don’t shine.

Covid is on the rise in England, and experts have warned that more must be done to prevent and control infections after a “capitulation to the virus”.

In the same way we have ‘capitulated’ to the common cold and seasonal flu. Because accepting that these bugs are here to stay and letting people self medicate when they get these mild infections is what the grown ups do.

Prof Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London, said those working in the field were perplexed by the current attitude to the battle against Covid, as the latest figures showed an increase in hospital admissions.

Perplexed that his crying wolf no longer works.

“Clearly, there is behavioural polarisation between those who are worried by this and look for mitigation, and those who think we must learn live with it and paid too high a price for our earlier measures,” he said.

The latter being those of us who are scientifically and numerically literate and have a pragmatic, common sense approach to life. We are not running around perpetually scared by the lies and exaggerations of the ‘experts.’ I have no intention of starting, either. I have declined this year’s booster, having declined every attempt to get me jabbed. I’ve had it and got over it. It wasn’t pleasant, but neither is flu. It didn’t kill me and neither will flu.

While bookings for the NHS autumn Covid booster jabs opened this week, Altmann said they should be offered more widely, together with increased use of lateral flow testing to avoid the spread of Covid.

Yeah… Fuck off.


  1. As soon as a tame “expert” is wheeled out those of us with a braincell know it’s bollox. GFG* is never 4king ending.

    * Grandstanding for grants

  2. “the latest figures showed an increase in hospital admissions”.

    Spot the lie right there. I am willing to bet next months beer money that hospital admissions are going DOWN because … reasons and those doctors and nurses must rehearse their Tik Tok routines. No time to look after patients and the newspaper reports of people waiting for literally days in ER to be even seen, let alone admitted seem to support that.

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