Diane Abbott doesn’t like TTK.
The 71-year-old, who was elected as the first Black woman MP in 1987, says there is a clear divide in the Labour Party and accuses the prime minister of trying to “force the left out”.
I’m vaguely reminded of that scene for Life of Brian. Starmer is behaving exactly as I would expect the extreme left to behave. His policies are typical student union politics designed to be destructively spiteful towards those who are not his supporters. The current tax assault on the Kulaks farmers is just one example. Anyone who thought the ousting of Jeremy Corbyn would result in a more palatable version of socialism was only deluding themselves. The left, as usual tends to fracture and they start turning on each other.
“Starmer has been trying to force the left out of the party,” she said: “That’s partly why the membership has dropped. I think it’s halved since he became leader; (…) under Jeremy, I think we had record numbers.
“Starmer and the people around him went to a lot of trouble to stop left-wingers standing as Labour candidates for constituencies. In my case, it wasn’t that they didn’t like the way I did my hair…! It was because I was one of the last reasonably prominent left-wingers left.
Nah. He is trying to force out other leftists, but the party is more openly left wing than it was under Blair who did manage to disguise it a bit. What Starmer is doing is precisely what I would expect a left-wing party to do. Destroy everything in its path.
Labour is on the long march to utopia. Regrettably the marchers have to feed themselves as they march and, like many medieval armies, they pillage the farms they pass.
I’m somewhat baffled by what she means when she says the left. They are all left aren’t they? the whole Labour party and most of the so called Conservatives too. Are there now subtle shades of leftiness that are so fine that they can only be detected using some kind of hi-tech spectrometer? That wouldn’t surprise me any more than finding them hating anyone of an ever so slightly different shade would.
Some of them are more left than others. It’s a matter of degree.
The Abbottopotamus is more leftwing than most though.
I’ve always considered that the Labour Party put ideology before commom sense