It’s A Bloke

More MSM gaslighting.

A ‘sinister’ transgender pervert raped and abused an 11-year-old schoolgirl after bonding with her over Star Wars.

Support worker Aria Peers, 51, carried out the sickening campaign of abuse when the paedophile identified as a man.

Peers had groomed the girl over their shared interest in Star Wars before carrying out the vile abuse in which the monster touched the girl’s breasts and genitals, before encouraging her to use a sex toy.

Peers had denied the allegations but a jury saw through the monster’s lies to convict the paedophile on two counts of rape, attempted rape three charges of sexual assault and two offences of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

She HE yesterday appeared in the dock at Liverpool Crown Court wearing a grey prison issue jumper and was jailed for 15 years as a judge told Peers: ‘You targeted a young female child for your own sexual gratification. The impact on her is untold.’

It’s a bloke. There is nothing remotely female about him.

Peers, of Camberley Drive in Halewood, identified as male when the offences were committed in Wirral, but now identifies as female.

He’s still a bloke. He will always be a bloke and pandering to him is gaslighting the rest of us. So, thanks very much, but I’ll go with my lying eyes.


  1. Hope Trump is successful in his aim to reverse this trend in the States – other countries will soon follow his lead and, hopefully, we can then see an end to this mass delusion.
    I wonder how many ‘progressives’ will be willing to admit they supported trans ideology in a decade or so.

  2. Never mind bloke.
    How can anyone look at that and not think
    “You’re off your fookin’ ‘ed pal!”

    The delusion is strong.

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